Melba Beals 'Warriors Don' T Cry

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Warriors Don’t Cry Assignment Throughout the Novel Warriors Don’t Cry by Melba Beals, the story of the Little Rock nine was told in great depth. Because of the fact that most history textbooks just talk about how integration of schools was difficult, most don’t know how severe the issue actually was. By reading this novel, not only did I learn the true details of what happened to the Little Rock nine but also gained the knowledge of the personal experience of Melba. One of things I learned in reading the novel was the detail of how awfully the African Americans were treated just because of the Supreme Court’s decision which deemed the segregation of schools unconstitutional. For example, when Melba was walking home from school the day that she found out about the Brown Vs. Board of Education case. Melba describes the situation in which a white man attempts to rape her and explains that the man …show more content…

This violent outburst not only shows that the segregationists did not like the decision of the court but also how they very obviously would do anything in their power to prevent integration of schools like raping an innocent child. Another instance where the ignorance and violence of the segregationists was shown was on the first day that melba and her eight classmates would be attending Central High. Melba explains the angry mob whose goal was to block and attack the African American children from entering the school and how brutal they were. She writes about her peer Elizabeth and explains that the guardsmen “did nothing to protect her from her stalkers. When a crowd of fifty or more closed in like diving vultures, the soldiers stared straight ahead” (49). This scene described again how violent the white mob

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