Meine Ferien- German Essay
Normalerweise fahren meine Familie und ich immer nach Frankreich in
den Ferien, aber dieses Jahr entschlossen wir uns mit meinem Freund,
Christian, nach Kanada zu fahren. Ich habe mich auf die Winterferien
sehr gefreut, weil ich denn Schnee so sehr mag und weil ich so gern
Ski fahre. Es war das erste mal, dass ich Urlaub in Kanada gemacht
Des Fluges dauerte ungefähr sieben Stunden. Während dem Flug habe ich
zwei mal gegessen. Zu erst habe ich Nudeln mit Brot gegessen und
später habe ich Melone und Joghurt gegessen. Ich mag Nudeln nicht aber
Melone finde ich lecker. Ich bin im Flugzeug eingeschlafen. Dann haben
wir im Flugzeug noch einen Film gesehen und danach habe ich noch etwas
gelesen. Als wir gelandet waren, wurden wir von einem Bus abgeholt und
wir sind zum Hotel gefahren.
Als wir im Hotel angekommen waren, gingen wir erst einmal ins Bett, um
zu schlafen. Weil die Zeit in Kanada fünf Stunden Später als in
England war und weil die Reise sehr anstrengend war, waren wir sehr
Am nächsten Morgen haben wir erst einmal im Hotel gefrühstückt. Das
Frühstück war sehr lecker und sehr mächtig. Das Hotel war sehr sauber
und mein Zimmer war sehr modern eingerichtet. Es gab auch ein riesiges
Es war so kalt in Kanada, dass ich am liebsten meinen Kopf in einen
Schal eingewickelt hätte, aber mit einem Schal im Gesicht kann man
schlecht Ski fahren, deshalb habe ich es doch nicht gemacht. Denn ich
fahre gern Ski aber Meiner Mutter mag es nicht. Jeden Tag hat sie sich
neben dem Freibad entspannt, während wir Ski gefahren sind..
Am Freitag morgen hat ein Armer Mann sich am Bein verletzt als er im
Schnee gefallen ist. Er musste sofort zum Krankenhaus gehen, weil er
so schwer verletzt war.
Drei Tage vor dem Ende unserer Reise bin ich sogar einmal Snowboard
gefahren. Ich fahre gern Snowboard, aber viel besser gefällt mir Ski
fahren, doch Christian fährt lieber Snowboard.
The Silber Medal winning biography, “Surviving Hitler," written by Andrea Warren paints picture of life for teenagers during the Holocaust, mainly by telling the story of Jack Mandelbaum. Avoiding the use of historical analysis, Warren, along with Mandelbaum’s experiences, explains how Jack, along with a few other Jewish and non-Jewish people survived.
Gluckel's memoir enables a reader to gain an understanding of what a widowed Jewish woman would face in Christian dominated Germany both from a personal and public perspective throughout seventeenth and eighteenth century. Throughout her memoirs Gluckel describes the worries that a mother would have over her children, her relations with both her first and second husband while addressing the responsibilities she faced as a businesswoman. Gluckel arranged her life narrative in seven books. The first four books and the opening section of the fifth book have been written consecutively in the months or year of mourning after Haim's (her first husbands) death in 1689. The rest of Book 5 was written during the decade of the 1690's but given final form after her second marriage. The sixth book was written in 1702 or shortly afterward, during the initial shock of Hirsch Levy's (Gluckel's second husbands) bankruptcy in Metz, and the seventh and final book was composed in 1715, during her second widowhood, with a final paragraph from 1719 before her death. Gluckel has conveniently broken down her narratives in seven books, which help the reader clearly identify with individual aspects occurring in her life. In her memoirs Gluckel thoroughly encompasses a social, cultural and economical perspective about her life as a Jewish woman while contrasting it to Christian ways which dominated Germany during both 17th and 18th century.
Gabriel Faure was a French Romantic Composer, pianist, teacher and an organist. He was a very influential composer and his style of composition influenced many of the 20th century composers. He was one of the most prominent French composers of his era. Faure was known as one of the French master of the art song. He was awarded a scholarship to École de Musique Classique et Religieuse. His tutors respectively included; Clément Loret, Louis Dietsch, Xavier Wackenthaler, Saint-Saëns and Niedermeyer. Faure took up the post of an organist at the church of Saint-Sauveur at Rennes in Brittany. After the Franco-Prussian war Faure left France and took up teaching in Switzerland.
The famous deaf person that I chose is Laurent Clerc being the first deaf teacher of the deaf in America. He was born December 26, 1785 in France and he had become deaf at the age of one. He was involved in an incident when he was left in his high chair for a few minutes by a fire and happened to fall off leading him to burn the side of his face. However, because of the scar that got left behind from the burn had permanently made name sign for him which was two fingers brushed against his right cheek. At the age of seven his parents believed that his deafness could be treated with injections but, in the end learned there was no cure. During his childhood he did not attend any schooling to learn how to write nor read. His family communicated with him through gestures because, he didn’t know sign language as well.
“I Want to be useful or bring enjoyment to all people even those who I’ve never met, I want to go on living even after my death!” (from a Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank). This quote has a lot of meaning because she wanted to be remembered and I am now writing and telling about her eighty one years later. Anne Frank is a hero because she was a spirited young Jewish girl that had to go into hiding at the age of thirteen.
I am a firm believer that as a child, there are stages you go through to become the person you are today. Many theorists have developed their own propositions as to how we are who we are and why. Jean Piaget, a swiss psychologist, was one of the few who believed that all individuals progress through a set of fixed stages of cognitive development. Cognitive development is the building of thought processing or in simpler words known as remembering, problem solving, and decision making. He believed that you not only increase knowledge in every stage, but that your ability to understand increases as well. Piaget focused his research mostly on the change in cognition from childhood to adulthood using the stages Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete
Pieter and I were determined to become proficient water skiers, while Rhea had knee issues that limited her participation. The Gibson Girl only had a forty horsepower motor, which wasn’t sufficient power for faster skiing or for doing tricks like skiing barefoot. I remember using the Comfort for some of our skiing before Dad traded the outboard for a sixteen-foot Gar Wood Junior, which had an inboard motor and more power. Pieter and I spent hours practicing the basics of getting up efficiently, skiing across the wake and then jumping the wake. It wasn’t long before we developed a passion for mastering slalom skiing. I wanted to ski all the time during that period.
Le Monde des Jeunes - French Paper Pour celebrer notre centieme anniversaire on fera un reportage especial, dans lequel on va faire une comparaison entre Londre et Paris. !!! Londres contre Paris!!! Mon experience personelle de Paris etait un peu limitee donc j'y ai visite seulemont une fois. Mais je connais Londre comme mes poches.
During the 19th century, Paris went through a series of change as the medieval city developed into a modern metropolis. Innovations throughout this period as well as a change of attitude towards social classes and Academic art became the catalysts that birthed the artistic movement, Impressionism. Paintings such as Le Pont de l’Europe by Gustave Caillebotte, Interior View of the Gare, St-Lazare: The Auteuil Line by Claude Monet and Boulevard Montmartre, matin d’hiver by Camille Pissarro encapsulated the artistic and social contexts of Impressionism.
An 11 years old kid lying on the ground in a dark room crying, shaking, and trembling with intense pain in both of his ears. The pain was similar to as if someone was hitting with some sharp object inside his ears and every time he would feel the shock of pain, he would pull both of his ears while enduring the pain. The pain would raise every couple of second and with each shock of pain, the kid would lose part of the hope that he had of surviving. He would experience so intense pain that he had never anticipated and all he could think of that “he is about to die.” This was the experience that I felt when I had a severe ear infection in both of my ears.
This I Believe – Whether I like it or not, my childhood shaped who I am today.
Luxembourg is a country located in Western Europe, mainly composed of French and Germanic speaking and cultures. Luxembourg has an area of nearly 2,586 square kilometers making it one of the smallest sovereign states in Europe. In 2012 Luxembourg had a small population of 524,853 which is ranked 8th of least populous countries in Europe. Luxembourg ranked in size 179th out of 194 independent countries of the world. Luxembourg borders Belgium to the West, Germany to the East, and France to the South. The country being a representative democracy is headed by Grand Duke Henri. Luxembourg has a very developed and advanced economy, ranking to be with one of the world’s highest Gross Domestic Product per capita. Luxembourg is made up of a high income
French culture and society has evolved from many different aspects of French life. From the mastery of French cuisine to the meaning of French art, the French have changed and evolved in many ways to produce a specific modern culture, the dignified culture of the French. One thing that parallels the progress and continuation of French culture is the role of women throughout France. Compared to other nations, the role and rights of women in France were confronted earlier and Women’s suffrage was enacted earlier. The role of women in France, because of the early change in perception of women, enabled France to develop faster and with less conflict than other competing nations.
My interest in public interest law, nonprofit advocacy, and social justice began at a very young age. My passion was influenced by my upbringing, as well as my journey down a path different from what my family and culture envisioned. It is this same divergent path that has led me to me to pursue the legal profession today.
According to a 2001 Gallup poll, “more than 40% of Americans fear public speaking than death”, I was shocked to learn this statistics that I was not the only one. As I was pondering about what to write on my essay for my favorite school, I thought about my own childhood experience.