Jakub Hibner
English I
Mrs. H. Novik
14 October 2014
Mein Kampf
Many people have written many books. Many famous people have written many books. Many people have become famous for writing books. These books are few of millions. However there is one book that stands out among them all. A book so powerful, it caused and explained a World War. This book was and still is “Mein Kampf”. “Mein Kampf”, a book written by Adolf Hitler, outlined the plans of the Nazi Party had and explained their reasoning, allowing people to start to understand the cause of the war.
The circumstances under which the iconic Mein Kampf was written may have been unique; although comfortable it was a place where most best-selling authors would seldom choose. Between 1923
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It stated a majority, if not all of Hitler’s plans, his ambitions and his political views. Throughout much of the story, Hitler expresses his distaste for Jews and other minorities, describing white people with blond hair and blue eyes as the superior race, or Aryan. He philosophized that if a superior race exists, there must also be inferior races, of lower rank and status. In “Mein Kampf” Hitler states: “...it [Nazi philosophy] by no means believes in an equality of races, but along with their difference it recognizes their higher or lesser value and feels itself obligated to promote the victory of the better and stronger, and demand the subordination of the inferior and weaker in accordance with the eternal will that dominates this universe." Hitler’s main prejudice predjudice against Jews is also explained as Hitler notes that he and the Nazi Party recognize Jews as being the archenemy of the Aryan and prevent them from assuming their position as the superior race. This view would not only be shared with millions of Nazi Germans, but would also be taught to school-children. “Mein Kampf” also provides vivid explanation of Germany’s military conquests, attempted by Hitler and his followers. It was Hitler’s belief that since Aryans were the master race they simply deserved to have more land for themselves, and furthermore, that that land would be acquired by force. Hitler had ambitions to use land east of Germany for cultivating crops and to provide room for the expanding Aryan population at the expense of the Slavic peoples, who were to be removed, eliminated, or
There were many aspects in World War two, but the Holocaust is likely the most famous to date. A particular interest is shown for the Holocaust simply because of the unbelievable amount of inhumanity that was exhibited. Although saddening, the attention that has been focused on uncovering the truths of this terrifying event is necessary. Truly understanding how awful the Holocaust was helps to ensure that something similar will never happen again. The book Night and the movie Schindler’s List are two recollections of the Holocaust written from two, very different, perspectives.
Beginning in 1933, Hitler and his Nazi party targeted not only those of the Jewish religion but many other sets. Hitler was motivated by religion and nationalism to eradicate any threats to his state. It was Hitler’s ideology that his Aryan race was superior to any other. Hitler’s goal was to create a “master race” by eliminating the chance for “inferiors” to reproduce. Besides the Jews the other victims of the genocide include the Roma (Gypsies), African-Germans, the mentally disabled, handicapped, Poles, Slavs, Anti-Nazi political parties, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Homosexuals. In Hitler’s eyes all of these groups needed to be eliminated in order for his master race to be a success.
Events in his life made him adopt a strong discontent and animosity towards the Jews. In his speeches and writings, Hitler spread his beliefs of racial "purity" and of the superiority of the "Germanic race"—what he called an Aryan "master race." He pronounced that his race must remain pure in order to one day take over the world. As seen clearly from the ‘Nation and Race’ For Hitler, the ideal "Aryan" was blond, blue-eyed, and tall, any description in variance with this was not
Hitler used propaganda and manufacturing enemies such as Jews and five million other people, to prepare the country for war. This shows Hitler’s attempt of genocide toward the Jewish race and other races.
Elie Wiesel, the man who lived, to tell the tale. This man suffered through one of the greatest tragedies in history, the Holocaust. Yet, he was still able to write his awful memories for us to hear. Wiesel has a distinct writing style that he uses to tell the story of his horrific past using pathos, ethos, irony, and tone. He uses short sentences, allowing us as the readers to add our own details and complete the thought with our own imaginations. Therefore it is not what he says but what he doesn’t say that makes his writing so impacting. It’s very difficult to explain the details of the holocaust to those who didn’t experience it themselves, so instead of using great detail he caused us as the reader to think of how it felt instead of reading about it.
After Germany lost World War I, it was in a national state of humiliation. Their economy was in the drain, and they had their hands full paying for the reparations from the war. Then a man named Adolf Hitler rose to the position of Chancellor and realized his potential to inspire people to follow. Hitler promised the people of Germany a new age; an age of prosperity with the country back as a superpower in Europe. Hitler had a vision, and this vision was that not only the country be dominant in a political sense, but that his ‘perfect race’, the ‘Aryans,’ would be dominant in a cultural sense. His steps to achieving his goal came in the form of the Holocaust. The most well known victims of the Holocaust were of course, the Jews. However, approximately 11 million people were killed in the holocaust, and of those, there were only 6 million Jews killed. The other 5 million people were the Gypsies, Pols, Political Dissidents, Handicapped, Jehovah’s witnesses, Homosexuals and even those of African-German descent. Those who were believed to be enemies of the state were sent to camps where they were worked or starved to death.
The Holocaust was one of the biggest genocide in the world. Over 17 million people died in it mostly Jews. There where more things to The Holocaust World War 2, Hitlers rise to power, and Anne Franks Diary. These events all happened at the same time reflecting on one another. The Holocaust was one of the worlds worst events in history.
The Nazi regime, beginning in 1924 and moving through till 1945, accomplished the perversion of an entire peoples’ principle through the sustained and all-encompassing use of propaganda. Without outside influence the German people were exposed to an influx of Nazi co-ordinated information that perpetrated no views but their own; the acceptance of views by those around them prevented free-will through a semi-national belief in the ideology of one party.
Mein Kampf was Adolf Hitler’s life story and his ideals about the world. The first nine chapters of the book explain how he got into his current predicament. Then he goes into great detail on why he dislikes the Jews and why all Germans should dislike the Jews as well. Hitler writes about the Jewish press and how they influence the society:
Hitler not only assumes that Aryans are superior to all other races but that the German people believe this as well. He assumes that that the question of race superiority has already been answered. According to Annette T. Rottenberg’s The Structure of Argument, “if [a] writer makes a statement that assumes that the very question being argued has already been proved, [that] writer is guilty of begging the question” (291). Hitler proudly states, “All the human culture, all the results of art, science, and technology that we see before us today, are almost exclusively the creative product of the Aryan” (300). This statement, which he presents as if it is fact, is most certainly not true. He uses this fallacy to promote his agenda. He wants to take out the competition, most specifically the Jews, so that the Aryan race can dominate Germany and eventually the world. Hitler makes another statement which begs the question: “Nature subject[s] the weaker part to such severe living conditions that by them alone the number is limit...
Hitler's main idea was to, as he called it, 'cleanse' Europe of these non-deserving people. Hitler despite having gained anti-Semitic views on his own from things. he saw he was influenced a lot by Neil Darwin. He based a lot of his racial arguments and views on this. However, another point to consider was that the Jews were being used as scapegoats for German problems.
But Hitler made it his goal to kill this imperfect race. “Born in Austria,Hitler served in the German army during World War One.” ( The Holocaust) To him the Jews were an inferior race the needed to be eliminated. He thought that by using anti-semitism he would become more popular with the crowd.
The treatment of Jews and other minority groups by the Nazi’s can be described as actions that could only be done by a totalitarian state. Hitler believed in eugenics, the idea of improving a race by selective breeding. Nazi ideology of the Jewish race was severe anti-Semitism and pure hatred. The Nazi policy towards the Jews has been said to be the most brutal and horrific example of anti-Semitism in history.
World War II? What could have been so bad as to inspire a book of this
The time period after the war lead to a new world of literature. Preceding World War I, people viewed war as courageous and patriotic. The realities of World War I led the formally traditional