Medieval Christianity and Its Influence on Society

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The power structures of Medieval Christianity allowed the church to use religion as a tool and as an excuse to systematically oppress a certain segment of society, in order to establish their control. This reflects the theories of both Marx and Freud, and is as relevant in the Middle Ages, as it was during the Industrial Revolution. For the purpose of this essay, a Medieval time frame between the years of 1000 – 1400 A.D has been established. This is set to focus on the influence of religion during a specific era, rather than attempt to broaden the topic. Medieval Christianity used religion to ensure that the feudal structure of society stood in place, and that no one would step outside of their domain. Since Christianity was the most powerful religion during this era, it used its influence to oppress and discriminate against minor religions such as Judaism, creating a wave of hatred and violence against these people. Additionally, the inquisition was an effective way of ensuring that everyone would adhere to the ideals of the church, and not their own. During these dark times, a feudal society reigned supreme, and the church sought to keep it that way. Medieval Christianity used religion in order to force people to accept their standing in life, and to not ask for more, because religion taught that the meek would inherit the earth. Peasants were expected to “ ”, while the nobility were expected to “fight for all”, and the clergy were to “pray for all”. This system allowed those who were in power to oppress those underneath them: “there had been a theology and a sociopolitical structure flowing inexorably out of religion that preserved the power elite who exploited the poor”. This structure is comparable to that of the Indu... ... middle of paper ... believing an illusion that seems to create a better life, but in reality does not. Medieval Christianity used religion to ensure the feudal society, in which their power was absolute. The church then used that power, as well as its control over their followers to supress the Jews, making sure that this minority religion would stay that way. Furthermore, Through the use of Inquisition, the church was able to spread fear throughout the lands through the use of torture, and confiscation of property. Allowing them to keep followers submissive to the principles of Christianity. Christianity can be seen as a force of good for society when it is used in its purest state to connect humans to a godly deity. However, when put into the wrong hands, such as those of the elite, it can be used as a political tool of oppression and exploitation, it becomes a force of illusion.

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