Medical Infertility Essay

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Today medical science offers numerous solutions to those who need treatment for infertility. In this article we have compiled a list of medical solutions to help you understand the various techniques available for the same. Primarily, there are two ways to treat infertility- one is through medical intervention and the other one is to treat it naturally. Let us understand both of these in detail.

Treating infertility by medical treatment

If you are unable to produce eggs or mature them, the doctor will advise you to take a hormone named as ‘Clomiphene.’ This hormone helps to produce mature eggs in your ovaries. You will be advised to take the treatment for 6 menstrual cycles. The hormonal treatment causes ovulation in 80% of infertile women and 50% of them, are able to conceive successfully. Doctors also use injections of Gonadotropin and hCG to stimulate eggs when the medicines fail. (Note: It is highly adviced that you …show more content…

This is done by removing blockages in the tube or by repairing it.If endometriosis (unwanted tissue growth in uterus) is the cause of infertility, surgery to remove as much endometriosis as possible increases your chance of getting pregnant.

Treating infertility the natural way
Only 10% of the couples are diagnosed with infertility which means 90% can conceive naturally without any medical intervention. If you are among those with no diagnosed fertility problems but are still unable to conceive, then we recommend you to make these dietary changes in your daily life:

Make sure you consume fresh and seasonal vegetables on a daily basis. Go for green leafy vegetables and sprouted salads instead of junk food. Eat food that is light and fresh. Avoid eating starchy, fried, hot and spicy food. Eat fresh and seasonal fruits daily. Doctors recommend eating 100-150 grams of fruits per

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