Medical Case Report: A 57-Year-Old Male Fuel Hearter

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DOI: 02/07/2004. This is a 57-year-old male fuel tank driver who sustained cumulative trauma due to repetitive movement caused by delivering fuel. The patient is subsequently diagnosed with Pain in left shoulder. As per office notes dated 6/6/16, the patient complained of left shoulder pain and left shoulder torn rotator cuff. The patient is described as aching, burning, stabbing, throbbing, and sharp with pain level of 6 to 10 located at the left, lateral shoulder. It was noted that the pain is recurrent and the onset was since 2004. Alleviating factors are rest and narcotics (Percocet). Aggravating factors include lifting, pushing/pulling, range of motion, and previous surgery. Previous surgery notes 3 times left shoulder surgery; “ARCR”. …show more content…

Physical examination revealed that the left shoulder is swelling. There is tenderness of the greater tuberosity and the bicipital groove noted upon bony palpation. Soft tissue palpation revealed tenderness of the glenohumeral joint region, the trapezius, and the lateral cuff insertion. Active range of motion of the left shoulder revealed a forward flexion of 80 degrees, external rotation of 0 degrees, abduction of 5 degrees, and internal rotation of “L5” degrees. Special test that resulted positive are Hawkin’s test, Neer’s test, O’Brien’s test, and Speed’s test. Empty can sign is also noted to be positive. Subscapularis weakness is noted. Strength of the left shoulder revealed flexion 4/5, abduction /5(4-), and internal rotation 4/5. Skin inspection revealed large incisions of the anterior left shoulder. As per assessment and plan, the provider notes that he is unable to give opinion regarding treatment options as the patient has not had an MRI arthrograms to determine any recommended surgical options. It was also noted that given the past medical history, there is some question whether further surgery in this patient would be recommended. As per emergency documentation from Sharp Grossmont Hospital dated 5/17/16, impression includes rotator cuff injury, possible complete

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