Media Influence On American Youth

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American youths hyper-sexualized because of their sexual content in the media. Even though tv can advise teen on sex abstinence and on early birth control. Sex on tv, music, movie and internet video is the causes of sexual active of the American teen. Also, porn in the internet website and in the movies can influence them to begin making sex and lovemaking in the movies and sex in music lyrics will definitely make youth wide to practice. Today music, tv, movies, internet video has become the most entertainment media in the United State of America, and on a global scale. Sex has been used through the media for a different reason, not only to make their product attractive to customers but also to make money, the majorities of teen tend to fall the victim because they have not grown up with their parents or maybe they were not well-educated at home. Some youth grew up with their grandmother and so forth.On the other hand, young teenagers consider sex as a way of living without thinking about its consequences of sexual transmission disease and unattended pregnancy. …show more content…

6). in this American pie movie, all actors in this particular story were just youths and it talks about Erick who was virgin but addict in masturbation, made sex through the influence of his friends and lost his virginity and her girlfriend's, there were more intercourses between Dwight spots Vicky

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