Media And Eating Disorders

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Ninety percent of the eating disorder cases occur in women ages twelve to twenty-five and many researchers believe the media is to blame. Though there is no single cause of an eating disorder, multiple studies cause an eating disorders to the media. With being vulnerable to the “thin ideal” in mass media, there is an increased risk of body dissatisfaction and disordered eating. (“Media, Body Image, and Eating Disorders”)
Eating disorders are much more dangerous than they may appear. Anorexia has the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric illness and is the third most common chronic illness among teenagers. Anorexics have a form of body dysmorphic disorder; they look at themselves and see themselves as being overweight. The affected often grossly restrict the amount of food they eat and usually over-exercise. “The warning signs of anorexia nervosa are being underweight, refusing to eat, over-exercising, unhealthy skin, hair and nails.” Also there have been studies that have shown ones with anorexia nervosa are likely to later develop bulimia nervosa. Bulimia is usually much more difficult to detect that anorexia. Bulimia nervosa is bingeing, consuming large amounts of food, and purging, vomiting back up. Bulimics often feel out of control and will use bingeing and purging to control something in their lives. “The warning signs for bulimia are weight fluctuations, over-exercising, sneaking food and unhealthy skin, hair, and nails” (“Self Image and Media Influence”).
The media shows women that represent beauty, even if these women are not real. This means the women in magazines that teenagers wish to look like is not authentic. Many teenagers don’t understand the difference of what is real and fake. So, they believe that the ave...

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...atching music videos. In women, the ideal body comes from magazines. (Jade)
The media is such an influence on how women and girls view themselves and this is proven in a recent study in Fiji. Up until recently Fiji has been in the dark about media. In this study the eating behaviors or adolescent girls were measured before being exposed to television and after. The results of the study showed that television exposure caused the adolescent girls to have disordered eating habits and behaviors (Spettigue and Henderson).
We are constantly exposed to that media and it can cause some very negative effects on young people. Adolescents are very vulnerable to the media and are greatly influenced by its messages. Many studies have shown the media’s link to eating disorders. Even though there is no one cause of an eating disorder it seems the media can be somewhat to blame.

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