Mccarthyism And The Crucible Essay

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Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible because at the time McCarthyism was a big problem. McCarthyism was the practice of making accusations of communism without proper evidence. McCarthyism got its name from its creator, Senator Joseph McCarthy. During the late 1940’s and throughout the 1950’s, McCarthyism was a big deal. People were accusing innocent people of being communist. Arthur Miller noticed that McCarthyism resembled the Salem Witch Trials.

The Salem Witch Trials took place in Massachusetts from 1692-1693. The Salem Witch trials was a series of deaths by hangings accused people of witchcraft and /or contacting with the devil. During the witch trials, people, especially young and old unmarried women, were accused of associating with witchcraft. There was no real proof that these accused peoples actually were taking part in any witchcraft but during the trials, the prosecutors would prick the accused with a pin on a birthmark or blemish and if the accused didn’t bleed or feel pain, they were where a witch according to’s 7 bizarre witch trial tests compiled list. The tests during trials …show more content…

He makes Abigail Williams, who is one of the main characters, the main villain with a cause. Abigail Williams parallels Senator Joseph McCarthy because he was a villain with a cause.They both accuse people for being something they aren’t which is what they are both known for. Abigail Williams calls out the people that get in her way of John Proctor and the witches. Whereas McCarthy calls out that people that he thought were out to get the United States, Communist. During the Second Red Scare, the House Un-American Activities Committee held trials for the people who were accused of being Communist. Sometimes, the person were not listened to and instead, were convicted as guilty and were killed. Just like John Proctor was executed, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were executed for being Soviet

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