Mayan Civilization

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The Mayan best-known as the classical civilizations of Mesoamerica which Originate in the Yucatán around 2600 B.C.. They rose to be well known around A.D. 250. The Mayan is well known in developing astronomy, calendrical systems and hieroglyphic writing. Besides that, they were also known for their elaborate and highly decorated ceremonial architecture, including the temple-pyramids, palaces and observatories, all were built without using metal tools. They were also skilled farmers, weavers and potters. Around 300 B.C., the Mayan practiced a ggovernment system with rule by nobles and kings. This civilization soon developed into highly structured kingdoms during the Classic period around A.D. 200-900. Their society consisted of many independent states, each with a rural farming community and large urban sites built around ceremonial centres. They started to decline around A.D. 900 when - for reasons which are still largely a mystery - the southern Maya abandoned their cities. When the northern Mayan were integrated into the Toltec society by A.D. 1200, the Mayan dynasty finally came to a close, although some peripheral centres continued to thrive until the Spanish Conquest in the early sixteenth century. There are several theories on the collapse of the Mayan civilazation that are wars and fatal rivalries and drastic climate change. One of the theories of the collapse of Mayan Civilization was because of the wars and fatal rivalries which led to catastrophe. In the year 800, war had erupted. The nobles including the king and the queen were taken as hostages. They were killed at the ceremonial courtyard and deposited into the cistern. The king and queen were buried 90 meters away in a 0.6 meters of construction fill which were abo... ... middle of paper ... ... fatal rivalries and drastic climate change are acceptable to be the reasons for the collapse of the Mayan civilization. Well known archaeologists had provided strong evidences on both of the theories. The Mayan civilization always relies on their god-king and when their god-king loses their divene power, it is possible to think that because the lost of a king, the whole government system broke down. On the other hand, the theory of drastic climate change can also the reason for the collapse of the Mayan civilization. With the lake of water supply, normal human being are unable to survive. Without water supply, they can’t plant water-based plant like maize, which is their main food supply. Both theories have their strong point and until future new solid evidence is being discovered, we can’t say what is the real reason for the collapse of the Mayan Civilization yet.

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