Mayan Calendar Essay

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• The Mayan people always believed in the effect of the stars on everyday life. They knew when a solar eclipse would occur. They also used their knowledge about astrological cycles in their planting. • The Mayan calendars were also very well planned out. They has two calendars, the Calendar Round, and the Long Count. The Calendar Round is based on two annual cycles: a 260-day sacred year and a 365-day secular year. Each day was identified with four pieces of information: a day number and name in the sacred calendar and a day number and moth name in the secular calendar. Every 52 years, the calendar would reset itself. This calendar was horrible when a person tried to talk about something that happened relative to something else over a long …show more content…

They made rubber, which they realized was a very versatile material and could be used for many things. They also had two advanced calendars and a very high knowledge of astronomy. They were very creative and made intricate temples and made a great amount of paints. Source: Art • In the Mayan Classical Age, archeologists have found many pieces of art within stone, shells, bone, wood, obsidian, jade, silver, clay, stucco, textiles, and precious metals. The Mayans didn’t have a wide source of gold and silver, so the gems was reserved for Mayan royalty to enforce their dominance. • Many pieces of art brought from the king were for public viewing, like statues and murals. On the other hand, nobles bought smaller works of art for adornment and home decoration. • The most beautiful art was in the tombs of the nobles and kings. Painted containers, stucco portraits, carved mirrors made out of obsidian, and tiny clay figurines were discovered in the tombs of the nobles. • The people making the art were from all of the social classes. Even though many of the artisans were elites, some people were commoners who had artistic talents whose artmaking was a family

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