Max Pechstein The Two Ballet Dancers

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The times are changing, and so the art does the same along with the people that buy paintings. Every piece of artwork might be compared to apples and oranges for an example one piece of art may be enjoyed by one person may not be appreciated by the next person. The difference between these two paintings has a lot to do with the time these artists live in because the social movements change people's moods it depends on the time where we live. For example, the Great Depression or more currently the Recession in 2008 when people who love art cannot afford to buy art. Why would someone buy art when they cannot even pay their mortgage? The expressionism movement was the beginning of the modern contemporary time in comparison to the realism …show more content…

It appears Pechstein paints the background with bright, dramatic shades of blue, red, and yellow this is the way he sees his subject in dramatic lighting. This style is different in the Madonna and Child, while Pechstein's showing his loose brush strokes with a big brush when the Madonna and Child use of brush strokes are almost none existent judging how realistic the style is in the painting. Pechstein captures a moment in time with gestures of how the ballerinas stand. The figures look as if they might have been moving while the artist was creating this painting it would have been difficult to fine tune this painting as much as the Madonna and Child. Pechstein's uses paint almost straight from the tube because the pigment is so bright that it is different in comparison to the Madonna and Child where the painting is more mixed with other colors to create that natural glowing flesh tones of the skin. Pechstein captured the stance of the ballerinas and the overall shape of their bodies in this painting. At the beginning of the 1912 expressions, contemporary movement artist stopped caring as much in defining the subject in the art as if it were a photograph. In the Madonna and Child picture, the artist painted every fold down to the glowing roles of the skin of the baby. The details of both paintings had a lot to do with the time they were living during the 1500s when the art crowd loved realistic art with religious subjects a big difference compared to the year 1912 when the art crowd enjoyed the expressionistic style with bold, bright colors. The expressionistic style of painting is apples and oranges compared to the realistic style of the Madonna and Child. In 1912 the art crowd might have been tired of looking at the same practical

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