Mathematical Objects And Truths: Aristotle's Greatest Contribution To Mathematics

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6.1 Mathematical Objects and Truths
Even though Aristotle’s contributions to mathematics are significantly important and lay a strong foundation in the study and view of the science, it is imperative to mention that Aristotle, in actuality, “never devoted a treatise to philosophy of mathematics” [5]. As aforementioned, even his books never truly leaned toward a specific philosophy on mathematics, but rather a form or manner in which to attempt to understand mathematics through certain truths.
To better attempt to understand Aristotle’s view on mathematical truths, further inquiry will be made in regards to a fictionalist versus a literalist view point of mathematical objects. Both literalism and fictionalism have been attributed to Aristotle …show more content…

However, his greatest contribution to mathematics is considered to be logic, for without logic there would be no reasoning and therefore no true valid rules to the science of mathematics.
Aristotle saw logic as a tool that led to probing and eventually to explanations through argumentation rather than deductions alone [6]. In Aristotle’s view, deductions were not sufficient to lead to any type of validity, and most certainly not in the sciences, where arguments should “feature premises which are necessary” in order to avoid false suppositions [6]. He insisted that because science “extends to fields of inquiry like mathematics and metaphysics,” it is essential that not only facts had to be reported, but also explained through their “priority relations” [6].
Aristotle’s method of reasoning involved syllogisms, which are pairs of propositions that when combined gave a further explanation or connection between the pair, leading to a valid conclusion. His logic was based on “inclusion and exclusion relations” as seen in the following example provided by the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,

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