Mass Hysteria Analysis

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Whenever mass hysteria is present it seems to condone damage of the truth and illogical accusations, causing the community to turn against itself. As Miller points out, people need someone to blame during times of change. Also, they feel a need for an escape to deflect blame from themselves. As a result, he perceives that the people were also able to justify their grievances in such a way that made them look respectable-blaming it on others. It seemed as if they were acting on behalf of the common good. It “suddenly became possible, patriotic, and holy for a man to say that "Martha Corey had come into his bedroom at night" while one could not “ordinarily speak such things in public”. The witchhunt is dangerous because they are able to express “long-held hatreds of neighbours” all in the “arena of morality”. Many would argue that hatred is the primary cause of the trials I believe rather one's faith is the basis for reporting others if their worship ritual doesn't correspond with yours. Mass hysteria was merely caused by an over zealous religious faith . The people rose panic and rumors against their neighbors. Tituba displays this spread by sharing folklores about demons with the girls who further tell the neighbors. Then, after spreading a third time the marshall found out and sough to send everyone who spoke of demons to jail. In response, the presence of fear in the community causes them to realize their responsibilities as part of the whole including attending church on Sundays. John …show more content…

In modern day, it is present through the act of bullying. An example would include a "popular" student making up something about a student and then venting to others about it until the individual becomes victimized of something they may not have done. In this case, the original reality is distorted. This has a negative impact because it can lead to seclusion and or long term

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