Mass Communication Essay

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There are many issues with mass communication, some that we have complete control over and other issues that we don’t have any control over. Either way they are issues that we see everyday and its important to be informed on the issues as well as know some ways to ignore or prevent these issues from popping up in our everyday life. We can’t prevent all the issues with mass communication but we can certainly spread the word about them in hopes to end them all together. Two major issues that I know have been popular all over the world are television violence affecting children’s behavior and cyberbullying through social media websites. These two issues are very similar and in some ways can affect one another. Children can pick up violence on television and use that violence against peers on social media websites. This cycle has gotten increasingly worse over the years and its important to be informed so that this violence through mass communication can end all together.
Television violence linked to bad behavior in young children has been going on for years. Some claim that parents are using it as an excuse to blame the media and I agree in some cases that is true but not in all cases. We cannot ignore the fact that television does feature a lot of violence and aggressive behavior and in young fresh minds these type of behaviors stick. Children begin mimicking behaviors as soon as they are born and as they get older they continue to do so. A two year old learning how to speak hears a curse word and repeats it, sure they don’t know or understand what it means but just because they don’t understand the meaning of the word doesn’t take away the fact that it is a bad word and should not be coming out of a young child’s mouth. The same ...

... middle of paper ... take reports about cyber bullying very seriously and they take immediate action against users abusing the terms. It is nice to know that these websites take cyberbullying so seriously. In the future I know that I will be making sure I read through everything before allowing myself and my children on these website.
Whether its Violence on Television or Cyberbullying through social media its safe to say that these are two major concerns in mass communications. They are not only affecting young children’s lives everyday but they are affecting entire families as well. It’s scary to see the statistics of how these forms of mass communication are negatively affecting children everyday. Staying informed and knowing the preventative steps to take for both violence on television and cyberbullying is the best way to avoid being negatively affected by mass communication.

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