Mary Anne Warren Personhood

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Abortion is highly contested topic among numerous individuals. Different groups of people take different approaches on their stance. Individuals decide what they think or feel is right, government officials decide whether it should be legal and how that should work for all people, while philosophers try to decipher if it is moral or not. Philosophers have tried many approaches to figuring out this problem. Mary Anne Warren takes a progressive approach unlike Don Marquis who has a very reserved approach. The opposition in these two articles bring about a wide scope. Ms. Warren has the idea of personhood which is part of the base for her argument. These characteristics are sentience, emotionality, reason, capacity to communicate, self-awareness, …show more content…

There are several but one is the idea of fetal development. Within this idea, the first thing that should be considered is if they are person like then they have rights. This would imply the more person like the fetus is the more rights it has. An issue with this idea it the traits of person hood. When you use those as your standard some animals are more “person” like and a fetus or a newborn baby. Just because this is so does not mean we grant full rights to an animal. If an individual is endangered by an animal we do not condemn the individual for killing the animal. When considering late term fetus, people usually have issues with this idea because the fetus has some person hood likenesses which make it very difficult to put to the side. Even with this, can we expect all women to abort before the third trimester? Most women prefer this as it makes the process easier, but what if in rare cases the baby won’t live long after birth or the mother’s life becomes endangered? At the end the fetus is not yet a person, this concludes that the mother’s rights are the ones who should be respected. The second is the objection from infanticide. This idea is brought up because fetus nor newborn is a person, according to personhood traits. By saying late term is occasionally ok it implies infanticide should be ok sometimes also, because the difference in capacity of the fetus and newborn are not different. Although people tend to …show more content…

Marquis feels he avoids through the approach to his article that most people get tripped up on. The first being the verbiage used. He avoids words such as person like Ms. Warren used. Because of the focus, he able to not have to determine if the fetus is a person or human. Second, he gains support from arguments defending euthanasia with the ideas of not killing an adult because you would be taking potential away. Lastly, this approach outlook avoids the idea of a fetus and newborn leading to infanticide. By attacking his argument from establishing it from the adult point of view from killing people it avoids some issues others have had to come

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