Marxism Outline

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First question: A short outline of Marx´s philosophy Approaching the question regarding the main ideas of Marxism, I want to describe Karl Marx`s doctrines in short, thereby, I will begin with his anthropology. According to Marx, the humans are depending not only on their material circumstances but also shaping them, e.g. by the development of technologies. This dialectal process results in the formation of societies and their specific economic system as the slave or feudal system. Crisis occurs if the system does not the needs and demands of the material circumstances as well as the human capacities. Marx referred to this process as dialectial materialism. As to him, the gap between the two forces determines the course of history. For instance, …show more content…

The technical inventions, e.g. the weaving loom and the steam engine, lead to the mechanization of work and to the need of workers who operate them. For this reason, the early capitalistic economy was in need of establishing a new class, not included in the estate-based society. According to the Marxist frame, the proletarian occurred in order to fill the gap. Mostly the bottom of the old estate-based society, viz. poor rural workers or impoverished city dwellers formed the proletarian. The most of them lived under miserable living conditions in the growing cities, since there were the manufactures located, next to the first capitalist who were able to generate an outstanding prosperity. In the long turn, the situation lead to pauperism followed by social tensions. Thereby, new founded workers associations, trade unions and parties represented the workers in order to improve proletarians´ living conditions. These organizations developed and utilized different strategies and approaches to solve the social question. One of them was Marx´s philosophy, which provided the working class with a weltanschauung, explaining the entire course of humanity´s history, by transforming Hegel´s version of German idealism. Especially, the revolutions of 1848 in Europe accelerated the development and spread of Marx´s idea. Marx´s Communist Manifesto gave an utterance to new social movement with the famous introductory sentence:” Ein Gespenst geht um in Europa - das Gespenst des Kommunismus” A strong international orientation characterized the Marxist approach, since Marx conceptualized the emergence of the working class and its struggle as international phenomena. In Marx´s view, the proletarian has to act on an international level. Therefore, he participated the foundation of the International Workingmen's Association (1864-1876) and inspired of the Second International (1889-1916) as

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