Marriage Is Such A Beautiful Bond

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Marriage is such a beautiful bond. For once in your life you really feel like you can depend and come to love someone outside of your own blood. As an avid Bollywood movie watcher, I would like to believe marriage is much more than a mere piece of paper; that love encompasses all shortcomings.
But then my practical side kicks in. Not everything in life works out perfectly. Things take the direction they are meant too. Same goes for marriage. Sometimes it’ll work out perfectly the first time, or sometimes after numerous attempts you’ll come to realize maybe marriage just isn’t for you. I think that our life companions are not chosen, technically, by us. There is a higher power that sends what we need, in the moment, in our direction. Now is marriage just a piece of paper? The more value you put towards a marriage, the more you will realize how sacred of a bond it is. It all comes down to how much effort you put into your marriage and the quality of your relationship. So, no, I see marriage as much more than a paper. With that, marriage is also not defined by a paper. It isn’t necessary to have this paper in your hand to prove you’re happy with your partner.
I do not believe that a marriage ceremony or ritual is necessary. To me the definition of marriage is simply commitment, love and respect for one another. As any relation, marriage is built on the foundation of trust and honesty. I don’t think there is a need of physical ceremonies or any law to declare a marriage.
A multimillionaire contract has no value to me because it isn’t my money. An oath not taken by me has no value to me because I have nothing to do with it. A commitment has no value to me because I did not commit to it. Unless something is really personal to you,...

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...o they know each other. Arranged marriages are very uncommon in our place and time. Our parents come from a period very unique. Now this was a time where dating was quite forbidden; arranged marriages were the way, for the most part. They were probably not allowed to date or choose their life partner. And so many couples from that time, after the Divorce Act, know better than to suffer. They have a choice to seek a better life. And so who wouldn’t? With the introduction of more laws and rights, divorce went up. But I feel that’s okay. There isn’t anything wrong with it. People recognize that they have a better life outside of relationship and that is such a great thing.
Marriage is a source of bliss and pleasure. No two marriages are alike and that’s the beauty of it. It seems so incredible to live a life with someone who knows you inside out and accepts you for it.

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