Marjane Freedom Of Religion

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Freedom of religion is a wonderful thing, but in Iran, they are not too big on the entire freedom concept. Marjane is actually sincerely religious—she believes in God, and she has a strong faith. So why does she have a problem with this? She believes that her faith in God does not depend on how much hair shows through her veil, but on actions of when she was in Austria while doing drugs and alcohol, the people she chooses to hang around, but also the loyalty she has when thinking about her family during her time away from home and even her relationship with her grandma. Right from the beginning of the story we know that Marjane is very religious and she even tells us that she is born religious (Satrapi 6) and you could tell that as she is …show more content…

The drugs are a big part of Marjane’s “liberation”. Clearly the drugs and alcohol are having an effect with Marjane in Austria because she almost doesn’t believe the fact that Julie is stoned when she says, “I don’t believe it. You…you…you’re stoned!” (Satrapi 188). Marjane wants to fit in and that’s why she says didn’t like to smoke…so she pretended, but never inhaled the smoke (Satrapi 192) because she thought that her friends would judge her if she didn’t participate in it. Her parents have an effect on the way that Marjane thinks about smoking as well because they told her that she will become a vegetable and hat her face would freeze that way (Satrapi 192) if he did drugs. When Marjane’s parents were talking about this, they were talking about Marjane sinking into a depression, which we later find out in the book that happens but her parents are afraid of it happening while she in Austria. When Marjane did start to actually smoke, her friends loved her, like Markus, he was very impressed (Satrapi 215) but then Marjane got out of control and eventually Markus couldn’t relate to her and he distances himself from …show more content…

Only her grandmother knew about her book (Satrapi 7). Marjane’s grandmother is the first person that really truly believes in her at a very young age and has faith in her that things will work for her in life. Tradition is something that Marjane’s parents are really uptight about and they tell her that their family memory must not be lost (Satrapi 59). Marjane’s mother had already abandoned her, and since that day she has had doubts about so—called “maternal instinct” (Satrapi 107). Marjane’s observation skills are very intact because her aunt, who had just had a baby, leaves Marjane’s small cousin in Marjane’s arms and runs. This woman decides to save herself over her baby, causing Marjane to come to the conclusion that the “maternal instinct” isn’t universal and some women will save themselves first before their child and she doesn’t really fully grasp the concept as to why she chose those actions. When Marjane had gotten hurt because she found her boyfriend in bed with another woman, and she went back to her house and just wanted her mom and grandma to tell her that everything was going to be okay and to make the boy suffer for what he done (Satrapi 233) but Marjane realizes that she never has related to any of the friends she had in Vienna, but it was because she had never opened up to any of them, so they can’t support her and in order to get the

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