Marilyn Monroe Flaws

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It has been said that Marilyn Monroe is likely to have committed suicide because of the overwhelming amount of broadcasting and media surrounding her. Marilyn Monroe’s popularity led to her death. This is similar to the effects of Macbeth’s popularity, in Shakespeare’s play Macbeth. His power pushes him past the point of humanity. The pressure from others both brought out the worst in these characters; The more power they had the more their tragic flaws became more prominent. A tragic flaw is a trait in a character leading to his downfall, and the character is often the hero of the literary piece. A character that may start as strong and confident can be lead to a terrible downfall because of tragic flaws that lead to tragic endings. A perfect example of this scenario is Macbeth. Macbeth’s weak character led him to have many tragic flaws. Macbeth’s characteristics of ambition, gullibleness, and self-doubt, ultimately lead to his own downfall proving that power corrupts mankind. At the start of the play, Macbeth was promoted as Thane of Cawdor and Glamis. Once Macbeth hears from the witches he will be king, he becomes anxious and wants to it happen right away. He craves the power of being king and the thought of …show more content…

The prophecies state he can not be harmed by anyone born of man, he should fear Macduff, and his downfall won’t come until the nearby forest comes against his castle. Macbeth did not question these prophecies because he has a weak sense of self, so his gullibleness blindly led him to believe the witches and have a false sense of confidence.. Macbeth recalls back to what the witches say and thinks about it. Unlike Macbeth’s “friend” Banquo who is curious about the witches, Macbeth is infatuated. Macbeth demands to know more after the first set of prophecies. Macbeth looks up to the witches and is excited about what they have to tell him when they reappear the second

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