Marilyn Manson: The Life Of Marilyn Manson's Role Theory

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January 5th, 1969, the USSR Venera 5 launched for the first successful planet landing on Venus…but more importantly, on this day, a cyberpunk was born. Although the name Brian Hugh Warner may not ring bells for many people, but the name Marilyn Manson brings the image of the gothic, alternative cyberpunks face into our minds. Born in the quiet, small city of Canton, Ohio, surrounded by a fairly typical service economy, Manson grew up as an Episcopalian. Following the family’s religious values, Warner aka Manson attended a religious private Heritage Christian School up until 10th grade. These facts do not give any indication that a cyberpunk would emerge. Manson lived with dark secrets from a young age. He was molested by his neighbor for years …show more content…

The name “Marilyn Manson” was derived from a combination of Marilyn Monroe and Charles Manson. Marilyn Monroe – the strong female role model, positive, and admired by teen girls. Charles Manson – the feared mass murder and former cult leader. This combination of sweet and sour, reflects song lyrics. The explicit lyrics about drugs; the implicit meanings bashing society for its wrong doings. The transition into Marilyn Manson occurred the same time as the making of his first band “Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids”. Although Manson started simply as an admirer of artists, he quickly developed into a well known alternative and rock artist. He had many connections to alternative artists such as Trent Reznor from the band “Nine Inch Nails”. Intrigued with the culture of alternative and punk music, Manson slowly integrated himself into the postmodern way of …show more content…

Although none of the ideas of being gay, transgender, queer, lesbian, etc. are not new, they have been hidden from mainstream society for a long time. In 1998, Manson vocally expresses his ideas (not specifically on LGBTQ, but the general idea of mainstream society) that were not quite accepted at the time. Going back to the song “The Dope Show”, it is centered around media, and the influence it has on society. It surrounds the idea that the media wants the world to be perfect, only showing what is believed to be right. In other words, the media is the “doped-up” version of the truth, hence the title and lyrics of in the song. He stabs holes in societal norms by directly attacking the issues with little to no mercy. Marilyn Manson engulfs the ideals of being a cyberpunk with his explicit lyrics and direct attacks towards societal

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