March On Washington Thesis

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Marches are used to accomplish the goals of a group. A group may be marching to gain rights, further their beliefs and causes, and bring attention to a topic. The March on Washington was used to accomplish the passing of the civil rights bills. This march was a peaceful way to demonstrate for a cause and it included a lot of speakers and entertainment while working to help accomplish the important task of civil rights. The march took planning and time to make it happen. The first word of the march was first proposed by Philip Kudolph. ( The march was chaired by A. Philip Randolph and organized by Bayard Rustin. ( While the march was being planned, there were many doubts as how to keep everyone calm, and how to feed the expected one hundred thousand people, even though there were two hundred thousand people that showed up.. ( Another worry was how many white people would show up compared to black people. People came from all over …show more content…

Before the march, blacks could not go to school with white people, sit by white people, or eat on the same counter or drink the same water as white people, ( Black people got paid less for the same job, black mothers generally did not have jobs. It was harder for black people get hired for jobs, and overall life was worse. There were many different activities at the march that were staged to get different bills made into laws. Martin Luther King's speech was a very low key and memorable moment for the entire march. His words moved and inspired the crowd. During the march, the protesters made it clear that they wanted to be peaceful. They firmly believed that violence would not pass these laws. Police marshals were placed in the crowd by the government to ensure that the march remained peaceful, even though they didn't need to be there because they didn't want to have any violence.

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