Mankind, Savage or not?

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Imagine if you were stranded on an island with no resources. Would you be able to survive? Are you able to withstand turning savage? In the novel, Lord of the Flies by William Golding, he tells us about a group of boys stranded on an island that cross between the lines of being civilized and turning savage. They fight for leadership which results in loss of order and peace. Golding says “It is the ordered society which keeps us in shape and which enables us to show our right side. Take away these sanctions and we fall into the dark side.” Based on Goldings point of view, without a society, mankind would overtime turn savage due to fear driving them to do unecissary things and always wanting power.
Fear has caused people to lose all humanity and do things completely out of the ordinary. According to David Brooks, in the article “When the Good Do Bad” humans are capable of much more dangerous things. Brooks shows that “Even a formerly good man is capable of monstrous acts that shock the soul and sear the brain”(Brooks p.16). This is a perfect example of how in desperate situations ...

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