Manifest Destiny Dbq Essay

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Manifest destiny was the process by which the United States expanded from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. This happened in the years of 1783 all the way to 1853. This heavily impacted many people, including the native inhabitants. Manifest destiny caused the trail of tears, the California gold rush and even the Mexican war. These were all major events that significantly impacted society. In 1838, a terrible thing was done to the Cherokee people because of the expansion of the US from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Many Cherokee gathered in the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court said they could stay but, “President Andrew Jackson ignored the Supreme Court decision, enforced his Indian Removal Act of 1830, and pushed through the Treaty of New …show more content…

More than 4,000 people died along the way because of the lack of food, a 1,000+ mile walk from Oklahoma to Georgia and finally getting attacked. The Mexican War was a war between the United States and Mexico. It started because they invited people from America to come stay there, which they thought would further develop their nation. The land that was once theirs, Texas, soon became part of the US. “By its terms, Mexico ceded 55 percent of its territory, including parts of present-day Arizona, California, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Nevada, and Utah, to the United States.” (Doc 3) The US broke the promises that were the reason Mexico let them stay there; they had to pledge loyalty, convert to their religion which is Catholic, live on the land they purchased, and finally slavery was not aloud. Later, they took the land from Mexico and converted it to the US. Leaving many people in Mexico out of their homes. The California gold rush was in the years of 1848-1855. It majorly impacted many of the indigenous people and their tribal

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