Male Characters in Tony Kytes the Arch-Deceiver and Tickets Please

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My assignment is to compare and contrast the two male characters in the

stories, Tony Kytes the Arch-Deceiver and Tickets Please.

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My assignment is to compare and contrast the two male characters in

the stories, 'Tony Kytes the Arch-Deceiver' and 'Tickets Please'. I

found these two stories severely facetious. Firstly 'Tickets Please'

was written by D. H. Lawrence. It was written in the 20th century.

'Tickets Please' is set in World War One as the narrator mentions

"Since we are in war-time" The two stories, 'Tony Kytes, the Arch

Deceiver' and 'Tickets Please' were set 25 years apart.

The plot for 'Tickets Please' is concerning a woman named Annie and a

man named John Thomas who is was a good-looking man. But the down side

to him is he is not the committed type. John dumps her the reason

being that she took to much interest into him. Subsequently Annie now

wants revenge. On the other hand in the story 'Tony Kytes, the Arch

Deceiver' the male lead is anxious to marry and settle down.

'Tony Kytes, the Arch Deceiver' was set at the end of the nineteenth

century in a rural community, which seems mostly unaffected by the

modern things coming along; it remains traditional in both the way of

life and the attitudes of the community. The members of the community

are very calm in the way that they live, riding around in the carts,

the scenes seem unhurried. Tony Kytes was set on a 'large horse drawn


'Tickets Please' was set 25 years later which had a much more urban

setting with a complicated, faster lifestyle, with all the danger and

thrill of the tramlines shown in the confident behaviour of the women

who work on them. While the men were away at war and the women were

doing jobs, which had previously been expected suitable only for men

only. They had been given freedom and were entitled and able to take

some freedom. They were started to think that they were equal in

status to men, which resulted in the no longer acting in such a gentle

and soft character. 'Tickets Please' is set on a long winding journey

on a tram.

In 'Tickets Please' the prominent male character is John Thomas. It is

not conspicuous why John Thomas is not taking combat in the war, as it

would have been necessary to be in the war due to the number enrolled.

The only idea I thought of was that his job was too significant

because he was the 'chief' of the tram service. He was 'good looking'

and 'tall and agile'.

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