Make Smarter Decisions For Educated Women

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Research shows educated women overall make smarter decisions for themselves and their family’s needs. Educated women actually think about the future of their families and decide on the best time to start a family and when to wait. Farzaneh Roudi-Fahimi and Valentine Moghadam, researches and activists on the MENA region claims that “as female education rises, fertility, population growth, and infant and child mortality fall and family health improves” (Roudi-Fahimi & Moghadam 2). This is important because more educated women will lead to healthier lives for others and their families. Educating women is important because they have a different focus in life and plan out their future. Educated women will have higher expectations for their daughters …show more content…

Research teams suggest that women are a threat to society with their potential power to override men, so they must follow cultural traditions. Men see authoritative women as a critical threat to their masculinity. Additionally, some women have not proved themselves as wise and effective. Webster University graduates and active researchers in women's rights, Muneera Al-Khalifa and Noona Al-Khalifa, think men often feel superior to women because they know more about being head of household and women do not have any experience (Al-Khalifa 1). Perhaps this reveals men believe women need more experience in powerful positions, which is what many women are fighting for. However, many women can be seen as extremely emotional and have a status of dishonor. They cannot be trusted and are often exposed against practices that men do not face any consequences for. Because of the dishonor they can bring upon their family for practicing sex outside of marriage, many women have been shot, beaten or stabbed to death by a family member (Al-Khalifa 1). Clearly, women are abused for making the same mistake a man can repeatedly make while he may not even be questioned for his own actions. In fact, women are outcasts, and there is assumed to be something wrong if they do not marry by a certain age. Men in the Middle East believe women need help and control from them to be successful. In order for a woman to vote, own a passport, travel or marry, all must be approved by a male family member (Al-Khalifa 2). Not only do they need constant approval for who they are, they must follow strict traditions. Many traditional women presume they must wear a hijab in order to feel respected and because religious requirements tell them to. Radhika Sanghani, a writer for The Telegraph, reported women believe God says wearing the hijab is the appropriate and honorable custom to do (Sanghani 4). In other words, covering up their own bodies to not show skin is what makes them feel safe

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