Mahatma Gandhi Movie Analysis

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In 1983 Richard Attenborough made a movie based on the life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi also known as Mahatma Gandhi. This movie is a biography, drama, and historical. The movie starts off by showing the assassination of Gandhi, and then goes into a flashback of his life in South Africa and India. The movie covers all importance events that were lead by Gandhi in South Africa and India. The makers put in $22 million worth of hard work to make this film possible. From the story to the actors and setting all took a lot of research, time and hard work. The film is made to look as real as possible. The film won over the hearts of many due to the actors, setting/props, and story. The first setting is of South Africa in 1893. The South African …show more content…

The entire film is made in English, and because of this we forget that Gandhi did not talk in a fluent British accent all the time. Gandhi’s wife also spoke in broken English because she was not educated. The English Kasturba (Gandhi’s wife) spoke was taught to her by Gandhi. The autobiography of Gandhi was written in Gujarati (native language of the state which Gandhi belonged to), and then later translated to English. The film talks about Gandhi, Kasturba, Mirabehn, and many other that Gandhi interacted with, but they never mention a word about Gandhi’s four sons. Three out of the four sons helped Gandhi with his movements, and also went to jail several times. The elder son Harilal wanted to go to England to further his studies, but Gandhi refused thinking it was not help his movement. Harilal broke all ties with his family and left for England. The second son Manilal helped his father with the movements in South Africa. He moved back with his parents to India, but after some time he came back to South Africa to pursue a career in journalism. The third son Ramdas participated in the movement, but his views did not match his father a hundred percent. The fourth son Devdas also participated in the movements and he became a journalist. Ramdas and Devdas were the two who light the fire at Gandhi’s cremation, and people didn’t even recognize Harilal at the funeral since he had broken the bond with hat

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