Magna Carta Censorship

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The Magna Carta is a very important document in our history The Magna Carta acts as a foundation for basic human rights. It helped establish the principle of everyone's subjectivity to the law, including the king, and the guarantee of everyone's individual rights including one of a fair trial. The Magna Carta was originally written as a peace treaty between King John and his barons. The Magna Carta was issued to prevent further civil war. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Bill of Rights and the Human Rights Act were all based off of the Magna Carta. Before the Magna Carta was put into place the King could obtain money from his tenants-in-chief. King John over stepped his power by exploiting his feudal rights. King John's father …show more content…

Originally written as a marching song when France declared war on Austria, the anthem shows defiance. The Marseillaise shows the act of censorship through its meaning. The anthem was originally written to help rally up troops to continue fighting for their country. The line 'Egorger vos fils, vos compagnes!' shows this as it means 'to cut the throats of your sons and consorts'. This line shows the control that France wanted over its country during the French Revolution. Another example of this censorship is the line 'Que veut cette horde d'esclaves de traîtes, de rois conjurés? Pour qui ces ignobles entraves, ces fers dès longtemps préparés? (bis) Français, pour nous ah! Quel outrage quels transports il doit exciter! C'est nous qu'on ose méditer de rendre à l'antique esclavage!'. This line means ' What do they want this horde of slaves of traitors and conspiratorial kings? For whom these vile chains, these long-prepared irons? Frenchmen, for us, ah! What outrage, what methods must be taken? It is us they dare plan, to return to the old slavery!'. This line shows censorship due to the want of change. It can be inferred that the French do not want to go back to their old ways and want to adopt new …show more content…

In this speech he addressed many issues including the unjust policies and initiatives of the British Empire. This shows censorship through the act of not wanting the British government to control. This is shown through the line 'See what the Empire means to India: Exploitations of India's resources for the benefit of Great Britain. An ever-increasing military expenditure and a civil service the most expensive in the world. Extravagant working of every department in utter disregard of India's poverty. Disarmament and consequent emasculation of a whole nation, lest an armed nation might imperil the lives of a handful of you in our midst. Traffic in intoxicating liquors and drugs for the purpose of sustaining a top heavy administration. Progressively representative legislation in order to suppress a ever-growing agitation, seeking to give expression to a nation's agony. Degrading treatment of Indians residing in your dominions'. This line shows the impact that the British government has had on India through the act of controlling the country and its people. It can be determined from this that this was a turning point for India as they needed to acquire

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