Magmus Chase And The Ship Of The Dead Analysis

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Guide to Asgard: A report on Magmus Chase and the Ship of the Dead. The new and fun addition to the genre. Magmus Chase is another great demigod story. Magmus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: The Ship of the Dead by Rick Riordan is a good reading choice because of its well written story. In this the final and climatic book there is excitement, humor, and a little bit of romance. There is well written character development, and engaging conflict, and interesting dialog. It’s interesting theme, characters, and use of literary tools makes this a great read for all ages. A major theme of The Ship of the Dead is you are stronger as a team then you could ever be alone. This is reiterated across the entire book as the protagonist and the protagonist’s friends save each other, offer unique skills that were essential, and use teamwork to take on larger threats than they could handle alone. This is evident in this quote when both Jefferson’s shooting skills, and Alex’s pottery skills were need in a dual: “I challenge him!’ ‘I accept!’ T.J. yelled. ‘good, good’ the giant said. ‘And my second will fight your second, who will be made by her (Riordan 156)!” There are also times when a character practically says the theme, like when Magmus did during the flaying, “My biggest …show more content…

One of the best uses was this quote, “Whoever drink Kuasir’s mead finds their inner poet. The Perfect words come to you. The poetry flows. The oration dazzles. The stories enthrall all who listen (121).” This personification is particularly effective because it uses poetic language to describe the ability of the meads ability to make someone poetic. Describing the poetry as flowing makes the reader thinks the poetry is beautiful and easy. While the words dazzle and enthrall helps the reader imagine it being interesting and powerful. Poetry, oration, and stories can’t actually do this but describing them this way helps us visualize their

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