Macbeth Tragic Hero Essay

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A “tragic hero” is both fair and foul. In our society, a hero is someone that does something good for someone and doesn’t ask for anything in return. A tragedy is when something bad/sad happens and it will eventually have a negative impact on people. Macbeth by Shakespeare is about a brave warrior, Macbeth, who receives a prophecy to be king. The prophecy slowly destorys the brave warrior he once was; his wife manipulated him into killing Duncan (the king). This leads Macbeth down a path of darkness. Which led him to his sad death, and him figuring out what led him to this. All those characteristics of the story of Macbeth shows that he is a tragic hero. Hamartia is the hero’s fatal flaw or the thing that will cause the hero to die. Macbeth’s …show more content…

Catharsis was shown when Macbeth not wanting to kill Macduff and when Lady Macbeth is dead. In the final “battle” Macbeth faces, is with Macduff and Macbeth doesn’t want to do anymore bad; refused to fight him. Macbeth say to Macduff: “Of all men else I have avioded thee, But get thee back, my soul is too much charg’d Witht blood of thine already” (V, viii, 4-6) Macbeth didn’t mean for anything that happened to happen. This gives us a moment of catharisis. Macbeth has acknowledge that he has done wrongs and he never meant to do those fromt the start. Macbeth’s ambition led him to death. Macbeth is a tragic hero; a noble warrior led to the dark side and is fated for death . The events that ultimately lead Macbeth to his sad death is when he finds out he is Thane of Cawdor, when he finds out Macduff was C-sectioned out, and when he notices he has turned to the dark side. Reading about Macbeth, has taught me that no one really is perfect and we all have evil sides. These ideas lead Macbeth into a lot of trouble, so it is warning us to watch out sometime. Everyone has a good and bad side, whether either side takes over you is your

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