Macbeth-Analytical Essay

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While studying about a certain historical period, one should not dismiss the inventions of such period, for they possess an indispensable role in revealing the thoughts of that period’s inhabitants. The most popular type of historical inventions for examining the perspectives of the retrospective people is the literary works of the past. And while scrutinizing a piece of literature, one should pay close attention to the author’s words and their meanings, which disclose the literary elements in that piece. The literary elements, in turn, largely contribute to the meaning of that whole piece and most significantly, the author’s view about the world. Knowledge regarding the author’s view is the key towards the people’s perspectives, their values, …show more content…

This is especially true to Macbeth and his wife. For Macbeth himself, after the murder of Banquo, he sees Banquo move his “gory locks” at him (3.4.62). Whereas the rest of the guests at the feast never witness any ghost, Macbeth hallucinated the image of Banquo. Accordingly, after committing such heinous crimes, his mental health falls far from being healthy, and the same goes for his wife. In Act V, Scene I, as the doctor and the gentlewoman notices, Lady Macbeth is incessantly obsessed with her hands being stained by blood, as “Here’s the smell of blood still/ All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand/ Oh, Oh, Oh !” (5.1.53-54). The acts of murder certainly has a horrible effect on the well-being of Lady Macbeth as she also fell prey to hallucination. The ambitious Macbeths all think that their lives after becoming Royalties would be great, but all ruthless actions only result in a terrible reality not only for them but also for Scotland. After ascending to the throne, he relentlessly kill everyone who opposes his reign. His cruelty is too massive that he orders the assassin to slaughter every member of Macduff’s family in Act IV, Scene I. Not only does he inflict pain on himself but also others. Countless …show more content…

It refers to the nature of politics, which is often turbulent and bloody. In the course of human events, several examples of political conspiracies and their consequences have been noted. Wars which involved the thousands of deaths happened when nobles and royalties vied for the golden crown. Countries pitted against each other as politicians grew greedy, and the result created a considerable impact which has lasted for tens of years. Just as Macbeth, politician of all time--kings, queens, dictators, nobles, presidents, chancellors--have all loved to stab each other to obtain an immediate benefit at the expense of the welfares of their countries. In the aftermath, what did countries inherit from wartimes? After World War I, Great Depression severely propelled many families into poverty (Amadeo, “Effects of the Great Depression). Those having power themselves also achieved nothing individually but pains in the end. Julius Caesar is an epitome as he was murdered by his own senators including his trusted friend, Brutus (, “The ideas of March: Julius Caesar is Murdered). Hitler is a notable instance because he suicided in the end (Rothman, “How The World Learned of Hitler's Death). Similar to Macbeth and his wife, they only reap what they sow, but it is uncharitable to force others to sow for

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