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Recommended: Elizabethian drama
During the Elizabethan Age, Shakespeare was the greatest author and drama writer. He wrote such masterpiece tragedies such as Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and Othello. Perhaps the greatest of them all is the story of Macbeth. In the play, the first Thane of Cawdor, Duncan, Banquo, Lady Macbeth, and Macbeth all are considered to have flaws which to a greater or lesser degree is the cause of their downfall. In the second scene of the play you learn that Scotland is in war with Norway. King Duncan has learned that the First Thane of Cawdor was helping out the Norwegians. His assistance cost him his life. For treason, King Duncan ordered the first Thane of Cawdor to be executed and have Macbeth take his title. Though the first Thane of Cawdor was never actually in the play itself, the reader has to take the word of the Thane of Ross he was a traitor. “Assisted by that most disloyal traitor The Thane of Cawdor, began a dismal conflict.” (I ii 52-53) After Macbeth is given the title of the first Thane of Cawdor, King Duncan decides to visit the successful captain and be a guest at his house. Duncan doesn’t know that it is supposed to be Macbeth’s destiny to become king. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth decide to come up with this plan to kill Duncan in his sleep. Duncan was simply there congratulating Macbeth on his recent accomplishments. He had no idea of the trouble he was getting himself into during his stay at Macbeth’s. The only real flaw you can give to Duncan is that he should have had someone watching over him like a bodyguard, or that he should have been more suspicious about his hosts. The reason of Macbeth’s slaughter of King Duncan was the idea that he was the rightful King. The three witches had told him he would be the first Thane of Cawdor before he was given the rank. They also said that he would eventually reign as king. Besides Lady Macbeth who knew about the three witches, the only other person to know about them was Banquo. He automatically was considered a threat to Macbeth. “For Banquo’s issue have I filed my mind, for them the gracious Duncan I have murdered.” (III I 65-66) Macbeth is ordering the execution of Banquo. Banquo could have saved himself because he saw that the danger lies ahead for him.
One of the most important aspects of Hmong culture is the group and family dynamic. The Hmong considered farming their most important duty because it was a major source of income when they were in Laos. The story regarding the Hmong family who attempted to grow vegetables inside their second story apartment was an example of this (Fadiman, 1997, p. 226). The Hmong found the transition difficult since the thing they knew best, farming, was taken away from them. Thus, they were forced to fit into roles that were foreign to them.
In their pursuit of assimilating and calling the US home, they had forged a new identity of Hmong Americans. (Yang, 203) Being Hmong American meant striving to move up the economic ladder and determining one’s own future. They understood that for them to realize their American dream and their “possibilities”, it could only be done so through “school”. (Yang, 139) Yang realized her dream by attaining a Master’s of Fine Arts from Columbia University and publishing books about the Hmong story.
Initially, when the refugees and their children first arrived in America, primarily California but also Minnesota and Wisconsin, the American educational system identified Hmong children as LEP and placed them in English as a Second Language classes. Very few schools offered academic programs to integrate Hmong students into the society of the school and those that do, have not had any flourishing success. Due to the resulting segregation, both socially and academically, the teaching methodology for these students suffered; become haphazard and improvised. During the initial years of integration, there were very few Hmong bilingual teachers. Hmong students were placed in classes based on an expectation that they would not go on to a higher education and that their ma...
After murdering Duncan, Macbeth feels that he needs to kill Banquo. He is afraid that Banquo is going to be a problem for him. He is suspicious that Banquo believes Macbeth had something to do with Duncan's murder, "Our fears in Banquo/ Stick deep; and in his royalty of nature/ Reigns that which would be feared" (3.1.47-49). He plans to kill him, though Banquo has made no direct threat against Macbeth. He speaks of feeling inferior to Banquo, even though he is king. "There is none but he/ Whose being I do fear; and under him/ My genius is rebuked" (3.1.53-55). Banquo is Macbeth's closest friend, he is starting to lose trust in everyone around him.
Macbeth is captured by his wild ambition at the opening of the play when he and Banqou meet the three witches. The witches tell Macbeth that he is the Thane of Cawdor, and later will be king. They tell Banquo that his sons will be kings. Instantly Macbeth started to fantasize how he is going to be king. He understood that in order for him to become king he has to kill Duncan. “My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical”(Act 1 Sc. 3, p.23). He was pondering about the assassination until the moment that he could no longer control his emotions. “To prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition, which overleaps itself and falls on the other-“(Act 1 Sc. 7, p.41). Because of his “vaulting ambition” he killed Duncan.
Foua and Nao Kao did not be assimilated; they insisted their culture -- did not speak English and only practiced Hmong traditions. One reason was the Hmong came to the United States to escape violence and persecution in their own country rather than enjoy Americanized lifestyles.
Most of the Hmong populations in America now reside in California, Minnesota and Wisconsin. They have now adapted to a society and culture that looked down upon them. Even though they have adapted, they still possess the traditions and rituals that their ancestors practiced in Southeast Asia. These traditions are held very sacred in the Hmong home. This is understood because every culture likes to keep a little piece of the past with them.
“Driving While Stupid” is about the author, Dave Barry, traveling around the world and observing the driving habits of foreign bus, taxi, and cab drivers, as well as the odd variety of activities he has seen others take part in behind the wheel of their own car. The article is not long. It’s eleven paragraphs and is composed of 780 words. And in this article, he is trying to make and argument. For a mere 780 words, one might not believe that that there is any point to this piece other than for the purpose of comic relief. Many of those words bring out the yuks in people, but what evidence does Barry present that results in a concrete argument, and what is he even arguing about? This piece could have very well worked as a simple informatory article about some of the dangers of driving while adding a few jokes to the mix to lighten up a seemingly depressing topic. But Barry very cleverly shapes his writing to not only inform, but to argue. He argues that while there are chaotic acts of driving everywhere in the world, there is nowhere that could top the antics of Miami drivers right here in the U.S.A. To better understand the points that Dave is trying to make, his article should be looked at in
These authors’ arguments are both well-articulated and comprehensive, addressing virtually every pertinent concept in the issue of explaining racially disparate arrest rates. In The Myth of a Racist Criminal Justice System, Wilbanks insists that racial discrimination in the criminal justice system is a fabrication, explaining the over-representation of African Americans in arrest numbers simply through higher incidence of crime. Walker, Spohn and DeLone’s The Color of Justice dissents that not only are African Americans not anywhere near the disproportionate level of crime that police statistics would indicate, they are also arrested more because they are policed discriminately. Walker, Spohn and DeLone addi...
“African Americans and white Americans do not experience our criminal justice system in the same way beginning with what is often the initial contact with the system.” (Barbour, 391) The initial treatment is when someone is approached by a police officer. Most of the time it during a traffic violation or if the individual meets the criteria of a suspect. In which case the individual is held for questioning or until he is cleared from being guilty. Most of the time when the individual is African American he gets harassed by the law enforcement in comparison to an individual who is a white American who gets treated with respect and the way they should be treated. It is unfair that there is a difference in treatment due to the different races. “Though, as disturbing as some of the forms of ethnic strife may be, perhaps the most unsettling is the differential treatment of ethnic minorities in
Later in the play Banquo starts to have a bad feeling about Macbeth. "Thou hast it now: King, Cowdor, Glamis, all,/ as the weird women promised, and I fear/ thou play'dst most foully for `t." III i 1-3, this is a quote from Banquo explaining how he feels about Macbeth's predictions coming true. Macbeth realizes this about Banquo and he starts to have feelings about killing Banquo. This isn't the only reason he feels this way, the witches had also made predictions for Banquo. "Thou shall get kings, though thou be none." I iii 67, Macbeth doesn't want any of Banquo's family to rule Scotland; he wants his own family to continue to rule. Macbeth hires two murderers to kill Banquo and his on Fleance. The murderers end up killing Banquo, but Fleance gets away.
Within the pages of the play Macbeth, one can find the five distinct literary devices of symbolism, allusion, alliteration, personification, and repetition used throughout. These three devices aid the story along and help develop the plot and characters each in a different way.
It is normal to believe that the United States has, first and foremost, the idea of the essential dignity of individual human beings, the equality of all men, and certain inalienable rights to freedom. What keeps a majority of people skeptical is the oppression and biased conclusions that have been observed in the criminal justice system the last few years. The Sentencing Project, a non-profit organization that is criminal justice oriented, published a report named “Reducing Racial Disparity in the Criminal Justice System: A Manual for Practitioners and Policymakers” which contains enough statistics to consider the decisions taken by the criminal justice system as suspicious or questionable. “Minorities charged with felonies were more likely to be detained than whites,” the report stated, creating an evident discrepancy between the unbalanced equations of equal justice (para #5). To support this idea, the report mentions, “A black male born in 2001 has a 32% chance of spending time in prison at some point in his life, a Hispanic male has a 17% chance, and a white male has a 6% chance.” The entanglement between the judicial decision and the ethnicity or skin color is becoming not an assumption but a reality. Last but not least, it states that DNA testing indicates that a 63% of African American people are exonerated, meaning that
Hmong, a Southeast Asian ethnic group, lived an agricultural lifestyle in the hills and mountain regions in Laos, Vietnam, and Thailand after migrating from south of China around 1810-1820 (McCall, 1999; Ngo & Lee, 2007; Tatman, 2004; P. Thao, 1999). During the time the Hmong lived in Laos, approximately 73 percent of Hmong adults did not attend public schools (Reder, 1982). Instead, many Hmong focused on physical labor to provide food for the family as formal education was not essential during the time they lived in Laos (J. K. Lee & Green, 2008; McCall, 1999).
Seeking for greater power, Macbeth murders Duncan who is the king at that time, which caused a great pain for the kingdom. Duncan is a great king, but just not a so good human reader. He has never been aware of Macbeth. He never have a thought that Macbeth might be a danger, who is willing to kill him for the throne. On the other hand, Macbeth does not accept to be just a general for the rest of his life. He wants a greater power, higher position than he is having at the time. Because of the suggests from the trio witches: “ All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor!/ All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter!”(1.2.49-50), Macbeth has the thinking about killing the king to take his throne. By calling Macbeth the Thane of Cawdor, they give Macbeth the thought that being a king is his fate. On the night Macbeth is planning to murder Duncan, the Old Man see many strange events: “And Duncan’s horses (a thing most strange and certain),/ Beauteous and swift, the minions of their race, /Turned wild in nature, broke their stalls, flung out/ Contending ‘gainst obedience, as they would/ Make war with mankind” (2.4.14-18). It creates a scary feeling in the kingdom, and means something bad will happen to the kingdom.