MLK paper

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My Observations: The first thing I noticed was the highly derogatory paragraph from a Newsweek Maga-zine on the left. It also contains grammar mistakes which make it appear less believa-ble. This is obviously not a positive source of information on Martin Luther King, Jr. High in the left corner it states that this website includes “A True Historical Examination”. This makes me assume that the makers disagree with the information widely accepted about this man by implying that they are going to attempt to tell you the “real” truth about him. The link to watch the education video also helps to imply that the audience is in need of More education, or information about Martin Luther King Jr. I don’t understand why there is a link for rap lyrics on this site at all, unless the makers are so racist that they believe every single African American person listens to rap music, which is just not true. To my knowledge, rap has no connection to Martin Luther King Jr. in any way. I noticed that the website address does not include Jr. in the name, although I’m pretty sure they are supposedly writing about Martin Luther King Jr. as opposed to Martin Lu-ther King, his father. The link that states: “Why the King Holiday should be repealed” helps to support the other negative statements on this website. It’s clear that the makers do not agree with the fact that MLK is honored every year. The link to “Learn more about Kwanzaa” is just totally out of place. Yet again, just be-cause a person is African American does not mean they celebrate Kwanzaa. What do Black Invention Myths have to do with MLK? This link doesn’t even make sense attached t... ... middle of paper ... ...arefully before it was posted or the maker was uneducated, or both. The entire page seems to be in opposition to MLK and his way of living. This convinces me that the page is not a believable nor positive source of information but is trying to lure people in before presenting them with an entirely different opinion. The links for rap lyrics and Kwanzaa seem to be a poor attempt at covering up the overall negativity, and possibly also an attempt to convince the audience that the website is actually for African Ameri-cans. The link to repeal the King Holiday and Black Invention Myths both seem to disa-gree with the addition of the rap lyrics or Kwanzaa link, almost as if the makers are con-tradicting themselves on the very first page of their website. Overall, this website page is not only extremely confusing, but poorly done, and contains a strong racist tone.

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