Love Yourself, There’s No One Better

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Marilyn Monroe once said, “Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are.” Self-esteem is a big controversial issue in our country today. Self-esteem is the confidence in one’s own worth or abilities. Carl Rodgers was the first psychologist to study the benefits of self-esteem. The self-esteem movement began around 1969 and there was a big push when the ‘me’ generation began in 1985 (Stephenson, 2004). Parents and teachers began to praise kids instead of punish them and to teach them that there are no losers in life, only winners. Minorities began to push for equally in the work place and women were tired of being inferior to men. Everyone wanted to feel confident in themselves and what they were doing. So what is the healthy balance for self-esteem? Teenagers today struggle with the answer to this question, much due to the mixed messages sent by mass and social medias. These popular outlets of entertainment have brainwashed children today causing a lot of young adults to worry about their body image, lower their self-esteem, or turn to bullying for acceptance.
Media’s Impact
Since television came about people have been able to see an advertisement at almost every turn of their head. Often the media portrays a negative image of women, viewing them as sexual objects for a man’s use. Many advertisements feature skinny models with minimal clothing advertising male products that don’t involve the need of a woman’s body. You see Audrina Patridge in her bikini selling a hamburger for Carl Jr.’s or girls in their sports bras promoting Nike clothing. Teenage girls watching these commercials fall for it, and in return think they have to objective themselves for boys to like them. Young girls believe they have to change the...

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