Louis Sullivann Steel Essay

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The aim of this discussion is to examine how the groundbreaking introduction of economically variable steel impacted Louis Sullivan’s overall design Scheme. The discussion will explore steel and the benefits it carried with it. Furthermore, the discussion will examine Louis Sullivan’s contribution to high-rise steel construction and what other where doing in the same period, comparing it to his innovative Wainwright building, in St. Louis (1890). The discussion will focus on and analyze an article published by him in 1896 ‘the tall office building artistically considered’, of how ornamentation and structural mass become one. With this, we can apply this philosophy of ornamentation to the Wainwright building. Through this exploration one hopes to gain a better understanding of how influential the introduction of Steel was to Louis Sullivan’s Scheme of creating a new American Architecture.

Before the end of the 19th century, a high-rise building was dependent on the strength of the walls to maintain the load. The taller the construction meant that more strain was added to the building. Due to the weight limitations “load-bearing“ walls could perpetuate, any large-scale construction at this time needed colossal size walls, therefore causing limitations on the overall height.

Approaching the end of the 19th century entered the development of economical and adaptable steel, which changed the rules surrounding weight limitation. At this time America was undergoing great economic and social development, which brought forth great potential for Architecture. As a demand for a more urbanized society was forming, taller and larger building were needed. The large-scale manufacture of steel was the primary main thrust behind the capacity to...

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...ise architecture at the time is undoubtedly one of his greatest achievements. Louis Sullivan gave light to the phrase, ‘form follows function,’ however, one could argue this to be hypocritical coming from the man who focused to heavily on ornamentation. Through in depth research, this discussion successfully concludes that, as Sullivan himself stated, a building that bears no decoration could be a magnificent building. Then again, in terms of the Wainwright building, when the ornamentation and construction turn into one, the building is likewise magnificent.
Interested in the inspiration that informed Louis Sullivan’s infamous ornamentation, this discussion explores Sullivan’s correlation between society and architecture in his work. Through the use of ornamentation Sullivan works to achieve organic architecture aspiring from the relationship between man and nature.

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