Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis

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The inspirational novel, Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, demonstrates how even the most innocent can have the darkest of souls. During times like these, the boys need a brazen leader. Although other boys displayed strong qualities, Ralph exemplifies the best leader by taking control, realizing the importance of rescue, and has great amounts of courage and determination. Chaos is demonstrated as a one of the themes through the loss of control, the struggle of power, and the war for survival. As a leader, Ralph possesses the quality of responsibility by taking control as “the storm broke. ‘Sit down!’, ‘Shut up!’, Take the conch!’, ‘Sod you!’, ‘Shut up!’ Ralph shouted.”(Golding, 96). This quote exemplifies how Ralph takes control in tough situations, gains responsibility, and attempts to establish a small civilization filled with laws to live by. His skill to keep the other boys calm and protected, allow all of the problems that the boys face to be easily resolves. Ralph also takes the responsibility to set a strict set of appropriate rules for the boys on the island. …show more content…

These rules demonstrate perfectly that Ralph realizes the major importance of being rescued. Ralph points out that, “[i]f we have a signal going, they'll come and take us off…we ought to have more rules.” (42). These rules include using the designated bathroom area and making sure that the signal fire keeps going, along with gathering a supply of water, and building shelters. The boys neglected these rules and there was failure on the island. Ralph then arranges meetings to make sure everything is running smoothly on the island. This shows that Ralph cares about each and every one of the boys and their lives, and that he’ll have enough courage to secure their

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