Looking For Alaska Suicide Essay

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Looking for Alaska is a young adult book written by, John Green. Looking for Alaska tells a story about a boy named “Miles” who also goes by the name of “Pudge.” Where he navigates through complex life situations of love, friendship, and death. The story takes place at a boarding school in Alabama, called “Culver Creek Preparatory High School.” The controversy in this book is whether Alaska killed herself or was her death an accident. Alaska’s death was a suicide because she was upset about her mother’s death, blamed herself for a death which left her miserable for years, and had been showing suicidal signs. There are a lot of exchanged views on Alaska’s death. However, considering the events in the book, it’s clear that Alaska’s death was a suicide. For example, before Alaska died, she was upset about her mother’s death. She was also under the influence of alcohol, which can make you go through a variety of emotions when you’re grieving. Making you feel waves of sadness enough to want to kill yourself. “She comes back into her room and starts …show more content…

Putting blame on yourself doesn’t feel good, it can make you feel miserable. Like Alaska, she blames herself for a death, which led her to become miserable. Miserable enough to be suicidal. Not only did Alaska become miserable, she missed a tradition involving her mother’s death, which she feels like she owes it to her mother. On top of that, making her feel worse about herself. In Lookin for Alaska, it states, “I tried to talk to her, but she was in a hurry. She told me that her mother was dead eight years that day, and that she always put flowers on her mother’s grave on her anniversary, but she forgot that year.” This quote shows that missing an important date can be very emotional. Especially when it’s a tradition for you, you grow an attachment. Alaska feels heartbroken by this, especially when she feels like her mother’s death is upon

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