Logical Fallacies and Gun Control

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Firearms changed the landscape of the world. They brought a chilling reality to the easiness of death, and forever altered the way human civilization operated. Upgrading from swords and shields to firearms forever changed the battlefield, and our streets. A movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, Sandy Hooks Elementary School, a Sikh religious center, and even U.S. Military Installations have all been targeted by gun violence, showing us that guns are dangerous in all situations. Gun control has been an issue that plagues not only the United States as a nation, but rather affects the world as a whole. The violence that can be caused by a firearm is inevitable and extremely dissatisfying to many people around the world. Unless you’ve been living your past years without a Internet connection, newspapers, or television, you have probably heard everything when it comes to gun control. Jeffery Goldberg is one of the many who chimed in on the matter to try to add some opinion. After reviewing the works of Goldberg, “The Case for More Guns (and More Gun Control)” , we discovered some key fallacies including false analogy and hasty generalization. Although Goldberg is a reputable author, fallacies in his arguments made his work less credible, and made his argument weaker. However, before we can divulge into the article, we must first know why gun control is such an important issue in America, and why such a rampant debate rages on, even today.

Gun control first became an issue in the year 1764, before the United States was even born; four Native American Lenape warriors entered a school in Pennsylvania, shot a schoolmaster, and killed nine children. When this issue was introduced to the Pennsylvania Assembly, they were forced to reconsider...

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...d the same goes for Goldberg’s argument.

Fallacies play a huge part in many of the debates in the world, however gun control seems to have a plethora of them. After reviewing the works of Jeffery Goldberg, we discovered some key fallacies including false analogy and hasty generalization. Although Goldberg is a reputable author, fallacies in his arguments made his work less credible, and made his argument weaker. The history of gun control made is obvious that this is a huge issue on our country, and it must be resolved soon. Goldberg is one of the many who chimed in on the matter to try to add some opinion. To conclude, the argument that Goldberg made that gun control should be molded after a country like Canada, or to allow everyone to carry a weapon this possibly stopping shooting before they even begin, are both invalid because of the fallacies they create.

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