Logic And Morality Essay

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What is the relationship between logic and morality? Consider the two ideas specifically « The Pursuit of truth is a moral pursuit», the use of logical interference must be guided by moral precept” (You might not agree or you might disagree)
First of all, it is important for us to know what logic in itself is. Logic comes from a Greek word “ logike”Firstly it describes the use of valid reason in performing an activity. Secondly it tends to name normative study of what reasoning is.Logic was studied in several civilizations from China to Greece.
As for morality, there exist several explanations for what morality is.For some it is the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior. For others it is the particular system of values and principles of conduct.
There is a strong relationship between logic and morals. Someone thinking logically will self-judge his own actions. There are things someone who is logically sane does that shows he is a normal human being. For instance, someone who works like we say “j-walking». It means this person is drunk. Being drunk means he is n...

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