Loading A Boar By Lynne Chien

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Writing Poems Quite frankly, I have sat in the past and have written short stories, mostly romance and fiction since those are my two favorite genres. However, when it comes to writing poems, I always felt like it was forced and I was doing it for a class or something. I write short stories base on either fantasies, or imaginations, or daydreams, etc. Just as stated in “Writing and Knowing” text, I felt like poems had to be about specific topics, such as; death, pleasure, love, nature. And writing about a specific subject like that never really fascinated me like writing a story. Truth be told, I was never taught how to write a poem. I did not know that I could literally be about anything and everything in our daily lives, plus writing poems seemed so complicated until I read “Loading a Boar” by David Lee. Writing a poem is not as boring and complicated as I thought after all, there are a lot of poems that still make no sense to me, like; “North of Anchorage an Hour” by Jacob Curtis. But I also learned that one can express humor in his/her poem for example “How to Pretend You are not You”. The poet Lynne Chien is very funny and I enjoyed that poem. Poems can also be very bizzare, like “the Dead” and Dove’s poem. …show more content…

Why are we here? Where are we going”? (Page 19). One’s life does not have to be great for him to write a great poem, according to that same author, “The trick is to find out what you know, challenge what we know, own what we know and then give it away in language” (page 21). It is basically having a way with words, because I have read poems about people talking about the most ordinary thing and made it sound like gold. That is one of the reasons why I believed writing poems was not for me, I do not believe I have that

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