Living on the Beach

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Everyone has a place where they go to escape the pressures and the worries of their hectic lives. There’s always that one place that you can go to, to clear your head and soothe your problems away when you are stressed. For me that place is the beach, it is my ultimate cure for stress. When I’m there, all my worries and obligations are suddenly lifted and I feel calm and free. Thoughts of living at a beach house, for most of us, bring about images of clear blue skies and beautiful tropical blue beaches as we dream up fantasies of ultimate relaxation and well-being. Living near sea has many health benefits, firstly, there’s no traffic no noise, the air is not polluted and research tells us that the sound of waves alters the wave patterns in the brain, soothing you into a deeply calm and relaxed state. Relaxing this way helps revitalize your mind and body. But the sound of the waves is just one of the health benefits of ...

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