Living a Green Life

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The moment I chose to major in Environmental Engineering, a thought flew to the front of my mind: “I should probably start living more green life if I want to study this subject.” Since that moment two years ago, I have attempted to move my life towards a more environmentally friendly alternative. If there is one thing this shift has taught me, it is that living green is not easy. One of the first things I had to consider was my hot water usage. I now take short, lukewarm showers rather than longer, hot ones and I always try to turn faucets off when I am not using them. I do my laundry every two weeks and often use cooler water choices when washing. In this sense, I feel like I use as little hot water as possible for these tasks. However, dishes are probably where I use the most water. I often use as hot of water as possible when I wash my own dishes and besides my own dishes, I work in the dining halls and I volunteer at a soup kitchen twice weekly. In both of these locations, I use so much hot water to wash the hundreds of plates that I could not possibly keep count. I...

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