Living Together Before Marriage Essay: Life Together Before Marriage

931 Words2 Pages

Andrea Aranda
Sara Solorzano
December 2014
11th Grade, Section "C"

Life Together Before Marriage

Bruce Forsyth once said that the secret to a happy marriage was to be able to be at peace with someone within four walls. When you feel comfortable with the fact that the person you love is upstairs or in the same room as you, and everything is tranquil, you can easily start imagine a life with this person. This is why I believe that living together before marriage is a key step to a lasting marriage. My reasoning behind this is the fact that the longer you wait to take a decision as serious as marriage, you become more sure of what you want to do. By choosing to live together with your partner before marriage you avoid a lifetime of doubt and even misery. Choosing a life long partner is too much of an important choice to make to be unsure of what you're doing, so taking the decision to …show more content…

There are countless of diverse reasons why some couples divorce: some people realize they do not love their partner as much as they though they did, some relationship are destroyed by affairs, others just cannot stand each other anymore and whether they've drifted apart or just changed as a person I can assure you there is not one couple that suffered from divorce that hasn't wished they could've avoided that finale somehow. It's testified by couples who have lived together before marriage that they find out more about their partners by living with them. It has happened that some of these couples even realize their partners are not fit for the role of a husband or a wife before it's too late. In every single possible way you see this perspective, you would come to the conclusion that it's better to leave your partner before you get married than go through a troublesome divorce. It saves you, psychologically speaking, the trauma that divorce brings you and it saves you economically in a way you cannot

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