Living Into An Apartment Advantages And Disadvantages

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Throughout the progression to adulthood, parents generally teach their children how to become self- sufficient adults via learning from their mistakes, making mature decisions, and allowing them to be independent. All of this prepares them for adulthood when turning into a legal adult at the age of 18. A various amount of opportunities open up when becoming an adult. One of those opportunities is either to continue living at home or be on their own by residing in a dorm or apartment, but each choice opens up different opportunities.

Most adults at the age of 18 usually decide to go off to college or make the more financially sound decision to stay at home. The reason for this is because it is much easier to stay at home and build your way up to become …show more content…

Like all things, living on your own has both positives and negatives. A few positives that come once making the choice to move into an apartment is that you receive the chance to be more independent and reliable as well as having a little bit more freedom than usual. Moving out also give you the chance to build your credit, finally, you can now attempt to buy things on your own. As well as many positives that every teenager want, there are also many negatives. Some of those negatives being that you cannot rely on other people to make difficult life decisions for you nor can you run to people to fix your problems. Having your own home at a young age also means that you have to pay all of your own bills and supply your basic necessities such as hygiene care and food. Yuck. Along with supplying all your needs, you will have wants and you’ll have to supply that now. How about unexpected emergencies? Do you have a fund set up for that or do you barely get by? Everyone will encounter some form of an emergency rather it be a popped tire, or a sudden death and you need to fly across

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