Liver Transplantation

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The liver is the largest internal organ in our body, weighing about 3 pounds. It is reddish-brown and rubbery to the touch (WebMD, n.d.). Our liver is one of the most important organs in our bodies. It exists to process nutrients from the food we eat, make proteins, make bile and remove toxins.
These processes can get interfered due to liver failure, when the liver is damaged to an extent that it won’t function normally for months or years. The main causes for liver failure include hepatitis B, hepatitis C, long-term alcohol consumption, cirrhosis and malnutrition (WebMD, n.d.).
It is crucial that the affected person applies for a liver transplant. A liver transplant is an operation in which the patient’s damaged liver is replaced with a healthy liver from a donor.¬ There are three main types of liver transplant: orthotopic transplant, the most common type of transplant, where the patient’s liver is replaced by a liver from a deceased donor; living donor transplant, where a living person willingly donates his liver for the patient; and split type of liver transplant: where the liver of a deceased donor is split into the two lobes and given to two recipients, applicable if the patients are an adult and a child (Mandal, n.d.
The United States of America alone performs around 6,000 transplants a year (American Liver Foundation, 2013), and has performed 592,589 to date since 1988, according to OTPN (Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network) statistics. Patients have an 86% chance and a 78% chance of living one and three years respectively after a transplant.
However, there are more patients waiting than there are available livers. So there are issues when deciding who would be an appropriate candidate for a transplant.
The timel...

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WebMD (n.d.). Digestive Disorders Health Center. Retrieved from

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Zimmerman, M. A., Wachs, M., Bak, T., & Kam, I. (n.d.). The History of Liver Transplantation at the University of Colorado: Early Days to Live Donation. Retrieved from: on/GrandRounds/Documents/GRpdfs/2007-2008/4-14-08%20Zimmerman.pdf

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