Liver Enlargement Essay

525 Words2 Pages

Headline: Enlarged Liver: Is It a Serious Condition?

Keywords: liver, enlargement, pain, fatty liver, symptoms

Page Description: Liver enlargement occurs due to swelling of liver beyond the normal size. It causes extreme pain in the liver and may occur due to fatty liver. Symptoms vary and may be confused with other medical conditions.

Liver Enlargement

Liver enlargement is a condition in which size of liver gets increased due to swelling. Hepatomegaly is another name for this enlargement condition. In some cases, spleen also gets enlarged. It may be a result of fatty liver or inflammation. Blood tests, CT scans, live biopsy etc. can help in the diagnosis of this condition and to check whether it is a cancer or fatty liver. There may be a …show more content…

Also, the pain may often be confused with the pain in kidney and other organs. It may also be confused with mere abdominal pain or back pain. Enlargement of liver can be one of the symptoms of other life threatening diseases like cancers. There are a number of causes associated with this enlargement condition. Some of the causes are listed as follows:

• Fatty liver
• Excessive consumption of alcohol
• Glycogen storage disease
• Cirrhosis
• Viral hepatitis
• Liver cancer
• Congestive heart failure
• Poor diet

Enlargement of liver is detected during medical test performed by physician. Patient suffering from this enlargement disorder may experience the following symptoms: • Extreme fatigue
• Confusion
• Fever
• Hallucination
• Vomiting blood
• Fainting

If the patient is suffering from these symptoms of liver enlargement, immediate doctor attention is required. These symptoms indicate serious problem in the liver. There may be other symptoms caused due to other types of diseases that may accompany the symptoms of liver enlargement. Other symptoms associated with liver enlargement may include the following:

• Nausea

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