Line Dance Essay: What Is Line Dancing?

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What is Line Dancing?

Line Dancing is performed by a group of individuals moving in unison to music. Moving rhythmically to a beat or song, several people line up in rows and dance. Dependent upon each individual’s personal style and execution their choreographed steps are fairly similar. Repeatedly rotated toward the four directions and moving clockwise their repetitive dance steps are often completed in a set. The dance they perform may vary by region or city.

Through this form of dance, anyone who wants to go out on the dance floor may participate. Often a part of any event where dancing is expected to occur, line dancing allows everyone a chance to dance. Whether dancing as a couple or singles, the dance avoids the problem of an …show more content…

According to Wikipedia, step is a form of movement is a percussive dance in which the participants' entire body is used as an instrument to produce complex rhythms and sounds through a mixture of footsteps, spoken word and hand claps. It is often performed in military formations and draws from elements of gymnastics, break dance, tap dance march, or African and Caribbean dance and can include stunts as a part of the routine. Conversely, there are no hard, fast rules with line dance. Once the basic steps are mastered the movements can be jazzed up with your own personal …show more content…

Our class is a structured way to learn and practice dance steps. Before long you will find improvements in your ability to dance, to balance, to stay on beat, and you will gain confidence in turning, spinning, twirling and basically “rocking it”, overcome the notion of having “two left feet” have fun watching others, and basically, have a venue and an outlet in which to practice dancing whether you have a partner or not.

A second class is being considered for a time when those who have daytime commitments can also participate. Once the line dance classes are well established during this summer, we look forward to teaching partner dancing such as Chicago Steppin', Detroit Ballroom, Swing and DC Hand Dance with guest instructors and group demos. In order to put our moves into practice, a dance cruise and occasional AACS hosted dance parties, are planned. Singles and couples, young and old are all welcome to participate in any class. Please come out and join the

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