Light Vs Evil In Dracula

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Bram Stoker in his novel Dracula seems fixated on the aspects of life after death. He examines this phenomenon through his exploration of light versus dark, good versus evil, and life versus death. Throughout the novel the contrast of light and dark is apparent. Jonathan Harker is on his way to a place called Transylvania where “the mountain range [is separating] into two atmospheres and that now we [are entering] the thunderous one” (8). Transylvania is a dark place where Count Dracula’s mansion stands. Renfield is a patient in the insane asylum who acts normal during the day, but goes wild at night, “he is only abnormally cruel” (59). Renfield’s actions are under the control of Dracula. Dracula’s powers during the daytime are not …show more content…

It is very evident that Dracula is always the evil portion of good versus evil by the way he looks and how he acts. The people in Transylvania portray the good portion by helping Jonathan and letting him know that he shouldn’t go to the Count “‘ Must you go? Oh! young Herr, you must not go?”’ (4). Dracula knowing it is “the eve of St. George’s day” (4) which is a day of “all the evil things in the world will have full sway” (4), but sends Jonathan to him on that day. Van Helsing is trying to help the different patients to keep their sanity whereas Dracula is trying to ruin them. Dracula is always controlling Renfield, "I am here to do Your bidding, Master. I am Your slave” (88). Van Helsing helps keep Lucy alive by “ [giving] yet another operation of transfusion of blood” (115) becauses he is “the kindliest and truest heart [man]” (97). In the novel, there is an evil nature about Lucy Westenra, “the sweetness was turned to adamantine, heartless cruelty, and the purity to voluptuous wantonness” (180). Her friends are the good portion of good versus evil by helping her when she was sleep walking and while she ill. In addition to good versus evil, Stoker adds life versus

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