Light And Hope In The Road By Cormac Mccarthy

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The Road, written by Cormac McCarthy, tells the story of a man and his young son who remain nameless. The story takes place in an Armageddon like world where not a lot of humans have survived. The man and the boy are trying to travel to the south in hopes of being in a warmer climate and to also see if the conditions there are better. Throughout their journey they see plenty of traumatizing occurrences such as rotting corpses, ash like air and skies, dead babies, and towns that have been completely abandoned. The man and the boy also run into devastating situations where they meet other humans who have been driven to cannibalism and who also want to kill the man and the boy. Throughout this story the young boy serves as a beacon of light and hope. He is reminiscent of a Christ like figure in the way he acts, speaks, and thinks about the future. …show more content…

They are traveling in terrible weather conditions, have very little food, and can’t find shelter on most bone chilling nights. They meet other humans along their journey that try to kill them. These other humans have resorted to cannibalism and only look out for themselves. At one point, the father and the son go into a seemingly abandoned house. When they scavenge in the house for cans of food and clothes, they find a locked basement door. When they break open the lock and descend into the basement they see many humans who are shackled and missing body parts. At this point they knew the people who took over the house where keeping these innocent people as food. This was one of the many disturbing scenes that the father and the son

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