Ligation And Check The Success Of The Ligations

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Ligation of EGFP Insert to Plasmid Vector
Ligating the EGFP cDNA into a pET41a (+) plasmid in order to create recombinant expression plasmids and run these ligations through gel electrophoresis to visualize the DNA and check the success of the ligations. Five ligation reactions were generated, two actual ligations and three controls, with a total final volume of 20uL each. NcoI and NotI are restriction endonucleases whose purpose are to reduce non-recombinant plasmids from forming and to prevent undesired rearrangements during ligation.
Ligation one was a 1:1 molar ratio pET-41a (+) vector: egfp insert that used 50ng NotI/NcoI cut pET-41a (+) DNA, 7ng egfp insert DNA, 1uL of DNA ligase, and the proper quantity of water to dilute 10x ligase buffer to a 1x final concentration. Ligation two was a 1:3 molar ratio pET-41a (+) vector: egfp insert made up of 50ng NcoI/NotI cut pET-41a (+), 21ng egfp insert DNA, 1uL of DNA ligase, and the proper quantity of water to dilute 10x ligase buffer to a 1x final concentration. Water was sterilized and deionized. The remaining three ligation samples served as controls. Ligation three contained 57ng uncut pET-41a (+)/EGFP recombinant plasmid DNA and sterile water. Ligation 4 was a negative control that consisted of only sterile water. Ligation five lacks DNA ligase but has the same properties of the 1:3 molar ratio pET-41a (+)/EGFP vector.
The given DNA ladder sample and each individual ligation samples were run on 40ml of 0.8% agarose in 1x TAE buffer for approximately sixty minutes at 110V. The appropriate volume of 6x GelRed track dye was used after it was diluted to a final concentration of 1x and incubated for thirty minutes. Finally, the gel was illuminated under UV light and analyzed.

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...It allowed access to virtually annotate sequences freely, build and visualize maps, design primers, and restriction analysis. First, the pEGFP-N1 plasmid nucleotide sequence was found by using the NCBI nucleotide database program. SnapGene viewer illustrated the restriction enzyme cut sites used to cut EGFP gene from the pEGFP-N1 source plasmid. Then the pET-41a (+) vector sequence was found by using the AddGene Vector Database. A new DNA file representing the recombinant pET-41a (+)-EGFP plasmid was built by virtually cloning the EGFP gene insert into the pET-41a (+) vector sequence. The plasmid was virtually cut utilizing the pAD1 sense primer and pAD1 anti primer from the PCR procedure. A restriction digest experiment was designed to confirm the identity of the PCR product. The two restriction endonucleases that cut the PCR product at least once was HgaI and XspI.

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